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Published in Journal für Ornithologie, in 1874, in volume 22, pages 54
Created: 2014-09-04, modified: 2014-09-04
Thesaurus Ornithologiae
Published in Journal für Ornithologie, in 1872, in volume 20, pages 225-230
Created: 2014-09-04, modified: 2014-09-04
On a new Owl from Java
Published in Ibis, in 1906, in volume 6, issue 3, pages 401-407
Created: 2024-03-29, modified: 2024-03-29
On a new Species of Starling
Published in Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London, in 1878, in volume 1878, pages 712-713
Created: 2012-10-01, modified: 2012-10-01