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Published in Rhodora, in 1900, in volume 2, issue 17, pages 97-99
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Boston Malacological Club
Published in Nautilis, in 1934, in volume 47, pages 108-110
Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Secretary's Report
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1894, in volume 6, issue 4, pages 7
Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
President's Address
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1894, in volume 6, issue 4, pages 8-9
Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Published in Torreya, in 1910, in volume 10, issue 3, pages 73-75
Created: 2022-12-14, modified: 2022-12-14
Notes on Nomenclature
Published in American Fern Journal, in 1913, in volume 3, pages 118-120
Created: 2017-04-23, modified: 2017-04-23
Notes on the Sumacs
Published in Botanical Gazette, in 1895, in volume 20, issue 12, pages 548-549
Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
Use of Fern Names
Published in Botanical Gazette, in 1901, in volume 31, issue 6, pages 446-447
Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
Pamlico fossil echinoids
Published in Proceedings of The United States National Museum, in 1941, in volume 90, pages 443-445
Created: 2011-06-30, modified: 2017-01-06
Notes on Squilla empusa Say
Published in Jour Washington Acad Sci, in 1941, in volume 31, pages 399-403
Created: 2014-01-30, modified: 2014-01-30
Records of Empididae (Diptera)
Published in Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, in 1969, in volume 81, pages 60-61
Created: 2016-09-01, modified: 2016-09-01
Stanley Willard Bromley, 1899-1954
Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1955, in volume 63, issue 4, pages 1-7
Created: 2016-06-13, modified: 2016-06-13