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Fern Collecting in Haiti: I
Published in American Fern Journal, in 1925, in volume 15, pages 69-80
Created: 2017-04-23, modified: 2017-04-23
Fern Collecting in Haiti: II
Published in American Fern Journal, in 1925, in volume 15, pages 107-117
Created: 2017-04-23, modified: 2017-04-23
The genus Trichanthera
Published in Journal of The Washington Academy of Sciences, in 1930, in volume 20, issue 2, pages 484-488
Created: 2015-03-16, modified: 2015-03-16
New Acanthaceae from Guatemala
Published in Journal of The Washington Academy of Sciences, in 1941, in volume 31, issue 3, pages 96-105
Created: 2015-03-16, modified: 2015-03-16
New tropical American Acanthaceae
Published in Journal of The Washington Academy of Sciences, in 1941, in volume 32, issue 6, pages 184-187
Created: 2015-03-16, modified: 2015-03-16
Three new Acanthaceae from Panama
Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1943, in volume 56, pages 53-56
Created: 2011-07-31, modified: 2011-07-31
The genus Mendoncia in Peru
Published in Journal of The Washington Academy of Sciences, in 1931, in volume 21, issue 7, pages 144-152
Created: 2015-03-16, modified: 2015-03-16
The American species of Elytraria
Published in Journal of The Washington Academy of Sciences, in 1934, in volume 24, issue 10, pages 443-447
Created: 2015-03-16, modified: 2015-03-16
The genus Sanchezia in Peru
Published in Journal of The Washington Academy of Sciences, in 1932, in volume 22, issue 6, pages 125-137
Created: 2015-03-16, modified: 2023-02-16
Analecta Ornithologica
Published in The Auk, in 1884, in volume 1, pages 166-173
Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Two new Embiidae
Published in Biological Bulletin, in 1902, in volume 3, pages 16-26
Created: 2010-01-11, modified: 2011-10-03
Synthesis of Aster herveyi
Published in Rhodora, in 1962, in volume 64, issue 758, pages 113-117
Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
Diptera fam. Empididae
Published in Genera insectorum, in 1927, in volume 185, pages 1-434
Created: 2014-11-01, modified: 2014-11-01
Cycles of Migration
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1934, in volume 46, issue 3, pages 150-156
Created: 2016-12-04, modified: 2016-12-04
XXXII.‐ Obituary
Published in Ibis, in 1905, in volume 5, issue 3, pages 498-505
Created: 2024-03-29, modified: 2024-03-29