Redescriptions, synonyms, and distributions of two species of Lonchodinae from Borneo: Lonchodes catori Kirby and Lonchodes hosei (Kirby)Published in Phasmid Studies, in 1996, in volume 5, issue 1, pages 32-45Created: 2016-12-30, modified: 2016-12-30
Biographies of Phasmatologists - 4. William Forsell KirbyPublished in Phasmid Studies, in 2007, in volume 16, issue 1, pages 5-10Created: 2016-12-30, modified: 2016-12-30
XXI. Addendum to Strepsiptera (p. 86)Published in Transactions of The Linnean Society of London, in 1815, in volume 11, pages 233-234Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2016-12-29
Note on Archineura basilactea, KirbyPublished in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1894, in volume 13, pages 450-451Created: 2011-09-23, modified: 2011-09-23
Peritrechus gracilicornis Puton (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) in west CornwallPublished in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 2000, in volume 13, pages 106-107Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
Some records of Macrosteles quadripunctulatus (Kirschbaum) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)Published in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 2000, in volume 13, pages 67-68Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
Hydrometra gracilenta Horvath (Hemiptera: Hydrometridae) in East SussexPublished in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 1992, in volume 5, pages 128Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
Notes on Necroscia haanii Kirby, 1904 from Borneo, including a new synonymPublished in Phasmid Studies, in 2008, in volume 17, issue 1, pages 27-33Created: 2016-12-30, modified: 2016-12-30
Buchananiella continua (B. White) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) established in BritainPublished in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 1999, in volume 12, pages 221-223Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
A new species of Tachyta Kirby (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini) from tropical QueenslandPublished in The Australian Entomologist, in 2001, in volume 27, issue 4, pages 97-100Created: 2022-09-30, modified: 2022-09-30
Notes on the habitats of Hebrus ruficeps (Thomson) (Hemiptera: Hebridae)Published in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 1999, in volume 12, pages 235-237Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
A new subgenus of Orthomeria Kirby, 1904 and a new species from Danum Valley, SabahPublished in Phasmid Studies, in 2006, in volume 14, issue 1-2, pages 12-19Created: 2016-12-30, modified: 2016-12-30
Die Gattung Phrenapates KirbyPublished in Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, in 1911, in volume 1911, pages 149-161Created: 2013-07-29, modified: 2013-07-29
Oliarus leporinus (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) in Pembrokeshire and Camarthenshire, with notes on its ecologyPublished in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 1992, in volume 5, pages 182-183Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932. No. 39. Two new flagellates from termites in the genera Coronympha Kirby, and Metacoronymphae Kirby, new genusPublished in Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, in 1939, in volume 22, pages 207-220Created: 2011-06-28, modified: 2021-04-05
A new locality for Cosmotettix caudatus (Flor) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), with a note on its ecologyPublished in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 1999, in volume 12, pages 225-226Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
1996 annual exhibition, Imperial College, London SW7 - 2 November 1996Published in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 1998, in volume 10, pages 145-183Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
Anthrena afzeliella Kirby und VerwandtePublished in Entomologische Nachrichten, in 1899, in volume 25, pages 102-106Created: 2017-06-15, modified: 2017-06-15
Note on Bombus jonellus (Kirby)Published in Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam, in 1953, in volume 14, pages 382Created: 2019-04-09, modified: 2019-04-09
Sulla posizione sistematica del gen. Cylindracheta KirbyPublished in Annali Del Museo Genova, in 1914, in volume 46, pages 81-101Created: 2012-06-19, modified: 2017-01-06
Die Gruppe der Anthrena nigriceps KirbyPublished in Entomologische Nachrichten, in 1900, in volume 26, pages 3-7Created: 2017-06-15, modified: 2017-06-15
Locusts in HungaryPublished in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1906, in volume 18, pages 156Created: 2011-09-22, modified: 2011-09-22
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Phyllopertha KirbyPublished in Entomologische Nachrichten, in 1888, in volume 14, pages 289-294Created: 2017-06-15, modified: 2017-06-15
TRE NUOVE SPECIE DEL GEN. PELECIUM KIRBY (Coleopt. Carabidae)Published in DORIANA, in 1962, in volume 3, issue 126, pages 1-6Created: 2024-12-30, modified: 2024-12-30
Die Libellulidengattungen Orthetrum Newm. (Libella Brauer) und Thermorthemis KirbyPublished in Entomologische Nachrichten, in 1891, in volume 17, pages 58-62Created: 2011-06-03, modified: 2011-06-21
Mr. Kirby on the Hemiptera of CeylonPublished in Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, in 1893, in volume 12, pages 71-72Created: 2011-10-11, modified: 2011-10-11
Rejoinder to Dr. BERGROTH and Mr. DISTANTPublished in Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, in 1893, in volume 12, pages 176-180Created: 2011-10-11, modified: 2011-10-11
Notes on Smerinthus Cerysii KirbyPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1896, in volume 7, issue 237, pages 331-332Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Die Hesperiinen-Gattung Butleria Kirby und ihre ArtenPublished in Entomologische Zeitung Stettin, in 1884, in volume 45, pages 290-295Created: 2016-11-22, modified: 2016-11-22
Remarks on the Synonymy of Vanessa C-aureumPublished in Cistula entomologica, in 1878, in volume 2, issue 20, pages 385-386Created: 2024-10-03, modified: 2024-10-03
On the occurrences of Opisthius richardsoni Kirby and Asaphidion yukonense Wickham (Coleoptera, Carabidae) as late Pleistocene fossilsPublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1991, in volume 93, pages 511-514Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Diplosis tritici Kirby sp. und Dipl. aurantiaca n. spPublished in Entomologische Zeitung Stettin, in 1866, in volume 27, pages 65-96Created: 2016-11-22, modified: 2016-11-22
LXI.—Descriptions of new Australian HesperiidæPublished in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1893, in volume 12, issue 72, pages 434-438Created: 2010-11-23, modified: 2016-12-08
Note al catalogo dei Mantidi di KirbyPublished in Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, in 1917, in volume 48, pages 139-63Created: 2010-11-20, modified: 2021-04-05
A description of some new genera and species of petalocerous ColeopteraPublished in Zoological Journal, in 1827, in volume 3, pages 145-158Created: 2011-06-03, modified: 2021-04-05
Life history notes on Leucomonia bethia (Kirby) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)Published in The Australian Entomologist, in 2006, in volume 33, issue 1, pages 31-34Created: 2022-09-30, modified: 2022-09-30
Ein Freiland-Hybrid der Gattung Agrion Leach (= Coenagrion Kirby)Published in Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen, in 1963, in volume 012, pages 56-58Created: 2016-09-15, modified: 2016-09-15
Notes on Neottiglossa Trilineata Kirby (Hemiptera, Pentatomidæ)Published in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1922, in volume 29, issue 2, pages 85-88Created: 2016-12-04, modified: 2016-12-04
Ueber die systematische Stellung der Cetoniden-GattungenDymusia Burm. undGnathocera KirbyPublished in Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, in 1882, in volume 1882, issue 1, pages 205-206Created: 2017-05-07, modified: 2017-05-07
Orthoptera Saltatoria. Part I (Achetidæ et Phasgonuridæ)Published in A synonymic catalogue of Orthoptera, in 1906, in volume 2, pages 1-562Created: 2019-05-24, modified: 2019-05-24
Orthoptera Saltatoria Part II. (Locustidæ vel Acrididæ)Published in A synonymic catalogue of Orthoptera, in 1910, in volume 3, pages 1-674Created: 2019-05-24, modified: 2019-05-24
Ruwenzori expedition reports. 8. OrthopteraPublished in Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, in 1909, in volume 19, issue 9, pages 63-66Created: 2023-01-31, modified: 2023-01-31
LIX.—Notes on the Neuropterous family NemopteridæPublished in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1900, in volume 6, issue 35, pages 456-464Created: 2010-11-20, modified: 2016-12-08
XXXII.—Notes on the Orthopterous genus PhyllophoraPublished in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1899, in volume 4, issue 22, pages 302-311Created: 2010-11-22, modified: 2016-12-08
A new species of Ptenus Kirby from Arizona (Hymenoptera: Argidae)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1974, in volume 50, issue 4, pages 423-425Created: 2017-07-23, modified: 2017-07-23
Cantharidin from Meloe niger Kirby (Coleoptera: Meloidae)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1977, in volume 53, issue 2, pages 101-103Created: 2018-06-17, modified: 2018-06-17
Synonymy of the Coleoptera of the Fauna Boreali-Americana, KirbyPublished in The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario, in 1876, in volume 8, pages 166-170Created: 2011-06-03, modified: 2011-06-21
A Description of such Genera and Species of Insects, alluded to in the "Introduction to Entomology" of Messrs. Kirby and Spence, as appear not to have been before sufficiently noticed or describedPublished in Transactions of The Linnean Society of London, in 1825, in volume 14, pages 563-572Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2011-06-21
Description of three New Species of HirudoPublished in Transactions of The Linnean Society of London, in 1794, in volume 2, pages 316-320Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2016-12-29
XV. Descriptions of Seven new Species of Apion.Published in Transactions of The Linnean Society of London, in 1810, in volume 10, pages 347-357Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2011-06-21