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Philippine Dryopteris
Published in Gardens' bulletin, Singapore, in 1977, in volume 30, pages 239-250
Created: 2015-12-03, modified: 2015-12-03
Philippine fern notes
Published in Contributions From The University of Michigan Herbarium, in 1990, in volume 17, pages 267-278
Created: 2016-07-11, modified: 2016-07-11
The ferns of Steere and Harrington
Published in Contributions From The University of Michigan Herbarium, in 1982, in volume 15, pages 197-204
Created: 2016-07-11, modified: 2016-07-11
Published in Gardens' Bulletin Singapore, in 1982, in volume 35, issue 2, pages 233-234
Created: 2018-12-17, modified: 2018-12-17
Published in Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society, in 1877, in volume 17, issue 100, pages 197-211
Created: 2017-01-01, modified: 2017-01-01
Nature's Reforesting
Published in Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society, in 1878, in volume 18, issue 102, pages 26-29
Created: 2017-01-01, modified: 2017-01-01
The Glacial Epochs
Published in Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society, in 1876, in volume 16, issue 97, pages 241-276
Created: 2017-01-01, modified: 2017-01-01
The Michaux Trees
Published in Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society, in 1876, in volume 16, issue 98, pages 340-345
Created: 2017-01-01, modified: 2017-01-01
Acridological notes
Published in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1958, in volume 101, pages 51-63
Created: 2010-03-23, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Torreya, in 1901, in volume 1, issue 7, pages 81-82
Created: 2022-12-14, modified: 2022-12-14
Some Phases of Modern Philosophy
Published in Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society, in 1871, in volume 12, issue 81, pages 289-307
Created: 2017-01-01, modified: 2017-01-01