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Zebra rock from the east Kimberley
Published in Journal of The Royal Society of Western Australia, in 1930, in volume 16, pages 57-70
Created: 2020-06-15, modified: 2020-06-15
Sleep behaviour of frogs
Published in Quarterly Journal of The Florida Academy of Sciences, in 1968, in volume 30, pages 184-186
Created: 2013-03-28, modified: 2013-03-28
The deadwood fauna of Cornwall
Published in British Journal of Entomology And Natural History, in 1993, in volume 6, pages 97-101
Created: 2013-09-11, modified: 2013-09-11
Obituary Dr. Keith Sheard
Published in Western Australian Naturalist, in 1966, in volume 10, issue 2, pages 47-52
Created: 2021-04-04, modified: 2021-04-04
Published in Journal of The Straits Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society, in 1891, in volume 23, pages 77-93
Created: 2016-07-04, modified: 2016-07-04