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Leech predation of frog spawn
Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 2013, in volume 130, issue 1, pages 49-52
Created: 2017-10-12, modified: 2017-10-12
Notes on Acar Gray
Published in Nautilis, in 1932, in volume 45, pages 127-128
Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Published in Muelleria, in 1955, in volume 1, issue 1, pages 3
Created: 2016-02-21, modified: 2023-02-16
Robins and Raspberries
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1933, in volume 45, issue 1, pages 10-11
Created: 2016-12-04, modified: 2016-12-04
Willis Grant Johnson
Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1908, in volume 16, pages 188-189
Created: 2013-03-01, modified: 2016-05-24
JAMES HINTON (1915-2006)
Published in Journal of The Botanical Research Institute of Texas, in 2007, in volume 1, issue 2, pages 1277-1280
Created: 2015-12-01, modified: 2015-12-01