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Green Gully Burial. Introduction
Published in Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, in 1970, in volume 30, pages 1-2
Created: 2018-02-20, modified: 2018-02-20
Green, Traill Sept. 15, 1858
Published in Asa Gray correspondence. Senders Gr-Gu, 1839-1890 (inclusive), pages 1-2
Created: 2017-06-24, modified: 2017-06-24
Vegetation of Rottnest Island
Published in Journal of The Royal Society of Western Australia, in 1959, in volume 42, issue 3, pages 70-71
Created: 2020-06-15, modified: 2020-06-15
Watercress in the new world
Published in Rhodora, in 1962, in volume 64, issue 757, pages 32-43
Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
Published in Rhodora, in 1899, in volume 1, issue 8, pages 149-150
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Rhodora, in 1907, in volume 9, issue 106, pages 197-202
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
A New Lichen
Published in Botanical Gazette, in 1887, in volume 12, issue 5, pages 115
Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
Central New York Notes
Published in The Auk, in 1887, in volume 4, pages 350
Created: 2013-03-07, modified: 2013-03-08
Some new Victorian Coccidae
Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 1905, in volume 22, pages 3-8
Created: 2017-10-13, modified: 2017-10-13
The Green Kingfisher
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1952, in volume 64, issue 3, pages 131-132
Created: 2016-12-19, modified: 2016-12-19
Green Butterflies
Published in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1891, in volume 6, issue 180, pages 68
Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Notes on American Rhynchophora
Published in Entomological News Philadelphia, in 1920, in volume 31, pages 193-201
Created: 2011-08-10, modified: 2014-01-26