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Charles Valentine Riley
Published in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1895, in volume 7, issue 235, pages 308
Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Der Gesang der Cicaden
Published in Entomologische Zeitung Stettin, in 1886, in volume 47, pages 158-160
Created: 2016-11-22, modified: 2016-11-22
Cicindelid Collecting in Texas
Published in The Coleopterists Bulletin, in 1947, in volume 1, issue 7, pages 61-62
Created: 2023-11-06, modified: 2023-11-06
Grooming Behavior in Coleoptera
Published in The Coleopterists Bulletin, in 1973, in volume 27, issue 2, pages 63-73
Created: 2023-11-07, modified: 2023-11-07