Sur la biologie de la reproduction des patelles de la famille Tecturidae (Gastropoda: Docoglossa) et sur la position systematique de ses subdivisionsPublished in Malacologia, in 1972, in volume 11, pages 287-294New data on the squids (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from the Scotia Sea (Antarctic)Published in Malacologia, in 1972, in volume 11, pages 391-406The morphology of some mitriform gastropods with special reference to their alimentary and reproductive systems (Neogastropoda)Published in Malacologia, in 1972, in volume 11, issue 2, pages 295-342
New data on the squids (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from the Scotia Sea (Antarctic)Published in Malacologia, in 1972, in volume 11, pages 391-406The morphology of some mitriform gastropods with special reference to their alimentary and reproductive systems (Neogastropoda)Published in Malacologia, in 1972, in volume 11, issue 2, pages 295-342
The morphology of some mitriform gastropods with special reference to their alimentary and reproductive systems (Neogastropoda)Published in Malacologia, in 1972, in volume 11, issue 2, pages 295-342