Bees from the Malay peninsulaPublished in Entomologist London, in 1918, in volume 51, pages 103-104Contributions to our knowledge of the British BraconidaePublished in Entomologist, in 1918, in volume 51, pages 104-111Contributions to our knowledge of the British Braconidae. No. 3. MicrogasterinaePublished in Entomologist, in 1918, in volume 51, pages 129-137
Contributions to our knowledge of the British BraconidaePublished in Entomologist, in 1918, in volume 51, pages 104-111Contributions to our knowledge of the British Braconidae. No. 3. MicrogasterinaePublished in Entomologist, in 1918, in volume 51, pages 129-137
Contributions to our knowledge of the British Braconidae. No. 3. MicrogasterinaePublished in Entomologist, in 1918, in volume 51, pages 129-137