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Musa yamiensis C. L. Yeh & J. H. Chen (Musaceae), a New Species from Lanyu, TaiwanPublished in Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore, in 2008, in volume 60, issue 1, pages 165-172Created: 2015-07-29, modified: 2015-07-29
Localization of the Chloroperoxidase of the Capitellid Polychaete Notomastus lobatusPublished in Biol Bull, in 1994, in volume 187, pages 215-222Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
A Huge Nest Of The Common Yellowjacket, Paravespula vulgarisPublished in Entomological News, in 1993, in volume 104, pages 123-128Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2021-04-05
New Record Of Tomocerus Baicalensis From China With Its RedescriptionPublished in Entomological News, in 2003, in volume 114, pages 47-50Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2021-04-05
Zur Entwicklung der xenoplastischen AugenchimärenPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1964, in volume 71, pages 147-166Created: 2012-11-11, modified: 2023-02-16
Two new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from Northwest VietnamPublished in Gardens' Bulletin Singapore, in 2017, in volume 69, issue 2, pages 295-305Created: 2018-09-17, modified: 2018-09-17
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New Species of Maesa (Myrsinaceae) from ChinaPublished in Novon, in 1994, in volume 4, pages 322-323Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Two New Combinations in Maianthemum (Convallariaceae)Published in Novon, in 2000, in volume 10, pages 113-114Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Hemipiliopsis, a New Genus of OrchidaceaePublished in Novon, in 2003, in volume 13, pages 450-453Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Name Changes for Chinese Pilea (Urticaceae)Published in Novon: A Journal For Botanical Nomenclature, in 2007, in volume 17, pages 24-26Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2016-02-16
Humiles, a New Section of Pleione (Orchidaceae)Published in Novon, in 1998, in volume 8, issue 4, pages 461-463Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Isolierung und Funktion des Sexpeptids bei Drosophila melanogasterPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1970, in volume 77, pages 548-554Created: 2012-11-18, modified: 2023-02-16
Die Feldorganisation der Spermatheken-Anlage bei Drosophila melanogasterPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1956, in volume 63, pages 268-277Created: 2012-11-11, modified: 2023-02-16
Trennung der freien Aminosäuren und Peptide von Seeigeleiern mittels IonenaustauschchromatographiePublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1962, in volume 69, pages 288-296Created: 2012-11-11, modified: 2023-02-16
Geschlechtsspezifische ninhydrinpositive Substanzen in Adultmännchen von Drosophila funebrisPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1973, in volume 80, pages 685-690Created: 2012-11-18, modified: 2023-02-16
Über die Feinstruktur des Analorgans bei Drosophila-LarvenPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1973, in volume 80, pages 681-684Created: 2012-11-18, modified: 2023-02-16
Über die Proteasen der Stechmücke Culex pipiensPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1972, in volume 79, pages 1151-1159Created: 2013-11-17, modified: 2023-02-16
Charakterisierung des Chymotrypsin-Inhibitors bei Culex pipiensPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1980, in volume 87, pages 869-873Created: 2013-03-03, modified: 2023-02-16
Ultrastruktur und Funktion der Paragonien von Drosophila funebrisPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1980, in volume 87, pages 875-880Created: 2013-03-03, modified: 2023-02-16
Additional Notes on Chinese Listera (Orchidaceae)Published in Novon, in 2002, in volume 12, pages 438-440Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Die Entwicklung des Ursegmentmaterials von Bombinator im Tritonkeim (Transplantationen im Gastrulastadium)Published in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1953, in volume 60, issue 3, pages 516-523Created: 2017-01-27, modified: 2017-01-27
Identifikation des Tyrosin-O-B-glucosids bei Drosophila busckiiPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1978, in volume 85, pages 795-801Created: 2013-02-10, modified: 2023-02-16
Auftrennung der RNS in den Paragonien von Drosophila mittels Gradienten-FormamidgelElektrophoresePublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1979, in volume 86, pages 817-821Created: 2013-02-10, modified: 2023-02-16
The Rhagovelia (Heteroptera: Veliidae) of Sulawesi (Indonesia). Notes on Malesian aquatic and semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera), IVPublished in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1993, in volume 136, pages 259-281Created: 2010-03-23, modified: 2011-06-21
Spatial and temporal diversification of Tetrastigma (Vitaceae)Published in Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore, in 2011, in volume 63, issue 1, pages 307-327Created: 2014-06-21, modified: 2014-06-21
Notes on Chen cærulescens, Chen rossi, and Other Waterfowl in LouisianaPublished in The Auk, in 1910, in volume 27, pages 337-339Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Cypripedium taibaiense (Orchidaceae), a New Species from Shaanxi, ChinaPublished in Novon, in 1999, in volume 9, issue 3, pages 454-456Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Ontogenetische Veränderungen des Enzymmusters in der Hämolymphe von Phormia reginaPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1974, in volume 81, pages 648-654Created: 2012-11-18, modified: 2023-02-16
Trennung der Blutproteine von Drosophila- und Culex-Larven mittels Stärke-Gel-ElektrophoresePublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1959, in volume 66, pages 280-289Created: 2012-11-07, modified: 2023-02-16
A New Combination in Heteropolygonatum (Convallariaceae, Polygonateae)Published in Novon, in 2000, in volume 10, pages 156-157Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Begonia austrotaiwanensis (Begoniaceae), a new species from southern TaiwanPublished in J. Arnold Arbor, in 1990, in volume 71, pages 567-574Created: 2009-12-25, modified: 2023-02-16
Six new taxa of Nepomorpha from Sulawesi and Mindanao. Notes on Malesian aquatic and semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera), VIPublished in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1996, in volume 139, pages 161-174Created: 2010-03-23, modified: 2011-06-21
A New Species of Rothmannia (Rubiaceae) from Yunnan, ChinaPublished in Novon, in 2003, in volume 13, pages 322-324Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Four species of polyporoid fungi newly recorded from TaiwanPublished in Mycotaxon, in 2018, in volume 133, issue 1, pages 45-54Created: 2024-07-29, modified: 2024-07-29
Propiedades electrónicas y estructurales del GaAs y el ZnSePublished in Revista De La Academia Canaria De Ciencias, in 1994, in volume 6, issue 2, pages 9-22Created: 2014-07-30, modified: 2014-07-30
Un nouvel Aristide de la section StreptachnePublished in Adansonia, in 1969, in volume 9, issue 3, pages 421-427Created: 2020-05-10, modified: 2020-05-10
Elektrophoretische Bestimmung des Proteingehaltes im Blut normaler und letaler (ltr) Larven von Drosophila melanogasterPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1956, in volume 63, pages 216-229Created: 2012-11-11, modified: 2023-02-16
Phyllosticta ephedricola sp. nov. on Ephedra intermediaPublished in Mycotaxon, in 2013, in volume 125, issue 1, pages 165-167Created: 2024-07-29, modified: 2024-07-29
Studies of American ginsengsPublished in Rhodora, in 1980, in volume 82, pages 627-636.Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
Some Remarks on Horse Evolution and ClassificationPublished in Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, in 1967, in volume 34, pages 307-311Created: 2016-08-03, modified: 2016-08-03
Investigations on the determination of the adhesive glands in Bombinator pachypus (xenoplastic transplantations)Published in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1951, in volume 58, pages 522-529Created: 2012-11-18, modified: 2012-11-18
Zur Histologie des Mitteldarms normaler und letaler (lme) Larven von Drosophila melanogasterPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1960, in volume 67, pages 245-257Created: 2012-11-07, modified: 2023-02-16
Freie Aminosäuren und Derivate in Eiern von Drosophila, Culex und PhormiaPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1967, in volume 74, pages 570-588Created: 2012-11-18, modified: 2023-02-16
A taxonomic revision of the ptilomerine genus Rhyacobates Esaki (Hemiptera: Gerridae), with five new species from China and adjacent countriesPublished in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1995, in volume 138, pages 51-67Created: 2010-03-23, modified: 2011-06-21
Ten new species of Rhagovelia (Heteroptera: Veliidae) from Sulawesi (Indonesia). Notes on Malesian aquatic and semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera), 7Published in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1997, in volume 140, pages 17-41Created: 2010-03-23, modified: 2011-06-21
Variation in Paramyxine, with a redescription of P. atami Dean and P. Springeri Bigelow and Schroeder, by R. Strahan and Y. HonmaPublished in Bulletin of The Museum of Comparative Zoology, in 1961, in volume 125, pages 321-342Created: 2009-12-23, modified: 2021-04-05
On The Identities Of Two Pacific Species Of Deep-Water Porter Crabs, Hypsophrys Longirostris Chen, 1986, And Homologenus Donghaiensis Chen, 1986 (Crustacea : Decapoda : Brachyura : Homolidae)Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1999, in volume 112, pages 759-767Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Primary Setae and Pores on Legs of Larvae of Nearctic Hydroporinae (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)Published in Quaestiones Entomologicae, in 1990, in volume 26, issue 2, pages 199-210Created: 2016-11-20, modified: 2016-11-20