Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 1896, in volume 12, pages 135-136
Created: 2018-08-07, modified: 2018-08-07
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1895, in volume 7, pages 159-165
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Rhodora, in 1951, in volume 53, issue 627, pages 79-89
Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
Published in Rhodora, in 1946, in volume 48, issue 566, pages 17-27
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Rhodora, in 1956, in volume 58, issue 689, pages 125-134
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1920, in volume 45, pages 460-467
Created: 2012-09-13, modified: 2012-09-13
Published in Nautilis, in 1934, in volume 47, pages 110-111
Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Published in Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, in 1986, in volume 68, pages 81-93
Created: 2017-05-29, modified: 2017-05-29
Published in Botanical Gazette, in 1915, in volume 59, issue 1, pages 76
Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
Published in Jour Bombay Nat Hist Soc, in 1957, in volume 54, issue 2, pages 309-321
Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1928, in volume 32, pages 797
Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Published in Rhodora, in 1914, in volume 16, issue 188, pages 151-152
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Rhodora, in 1945, in volume 47, issue 559, pages 236
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1910, in volume 22, issue 2, pages 127-128
Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1911, in volume 23, issue 1, pages 65
Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Published in Bulletin of the Hill Museum, in 1922, in volume 1, pages 189-192
Created: 2013-11-24, modified: 2013-11-24
Published in Biol Bull, in 2000, in volume 199, pages 108-115
Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Madroño, in 1986, in volume 33, issue 1, pages 83
Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-07-07
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1933, in volume 45, issue 1, pages 1-17
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, in 1940, in volume 8, pages 93-105
Created: 2016-02-07, modified: 2016-07-26
in 1945, pages 1-227
Created: 2013-03-19, modified: 2023-02-16
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1926, in volume 38, pages 143-149
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Rhodora, in 1914, in volume 16, issue 191, pages 189-192
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, in 1937, in volume 4, pages 173-180
Created: 2016-02-07, modified: 2016-07-26
Published in Insects of Samoa and other Samoan terrestial arthropods, in 1927, in volume Part VII, issue 1, pages 1-18
Created: 2013-09-30, modified: 2019-10-18
Published in Palaeontology, in 1968, in volume 11, issue 2, pages 283-305
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Bull. Ent. Res, in 1921, in volume 12, pages 41-62
Created: 2011-06-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1925, in volume 37, issue 1, pages 119-124
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1926, in volume 38, pages 95-99
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Journal of The Royal Society of Western Australia, in 1929, in volume 15, pages 115-123
Created: 2020-06-15, modified: 2020-06-15
Published in Palaeontology, in 1978, in volume 21, issue 3, pages 693-707
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne, in 1927, in volume 7, pages 5-120
Created: 2012-12-07, modified: 2018-01-19
Published in Rhodora, in 1964, in volume 66, issue 765, pages 31
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, in 1942, in volume 10, pages 141-172
Created: 2016-02-07, modified: 2016-07-26
Published in American Fern Journal, in 1976, in volume 66, pages 83-88
Created: 2017-04-23, modified: 2017-04-23
Published in The Auk, in 1918, in volume 35, pages 219-220
Created: 2013-03-07, modified: 2013-03-08
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1962, in volume 75, issue 1, pages 89-100
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, in 1921, in volume 15, issue 1, pages 93-94
Created: 2022-11-06, modified: 2022-11-06
Published in Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1915, in volume 40, pages 83-113
Created: 2010-11-02, modified: 2023-02-16
Published in Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1921, in volume 46, pages 263-267
Created: 2010-11-02, modified: 2023-02-16
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1910, in volume 22, issue 1, pages 61-62
Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1927, in volume 4, pages 1-4
Created: 2017-05-14, modified: 2017-05-14
Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1927, in volume 4, pages 87-89
Created: 2017-05-14, modified: 2017-05-14
Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1926, in volume 3, pages 64-74
Created: 2017-05-14, modified: 2017-05-14
Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1926, in volume 2, pages 111-112
Created: 2017-05-14, modified: 2017-05-14
Published in Notulae Systematicae, in 1947, in volume 13, issue 1/2, pages 55-58
Created: 2021-09-29, modified: 2021-09-29
Published in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, in 1915, in volume 2, pages 185-240
Created: 2010-01-08, modified: 2015-12-16
Published in Ibis, in 1874, in volume 4, issue 1, pages 7-34
Created: 2024-10-03, modified: 2024-10-03
Published in Ibis, in 1872, in volume 2, issue 3, pages 243-250
Created: 2024-10-03, modified: 2024-10-03
Published in Bulletin of Entomological Research, in 1922, in volume 12, pages 363-399
Created: 2010-11-21, modified: 2011-06-21