A new variety of TriphoraPublished in Rhodora, in 1940, in volume 42, issue 494, pages 55-56Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
Conservation: The Long ViewPublished in Torreya, in 1941, in volume 41, issue 5, pages 170-172Created: 2022-12-12, modified: 2022-12-12
An Individual Botany TextPublished in Torreya, in 1942, in volume 42, issue 4, pages 115-118Created: 2022-12-12, modified: 2022-12-12
Polypetalous Forms of VacciniumPublished in Torreya, in 1942, in volume 42, issue 6, pages 168-173Created: 2022-12-12, modified: 2022-12-12
Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. Camp. VacciniaceaePublished in Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, in 1952, in volume 8, issue 1, pages 41-85Created: 2016-08-04, modified: 2016-08-04
Five new Asteraceae from Oaxaca collected by W. H. CampPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1942, in volume 55, pages 113-119Created: 2011-07-31, modified: 2011-07-31
The use of Myxomycete plasmodia for instructional purposesPublished in Torreya, in 1936, in volume 36, issue 3, pages 53-56Created: 2022-12-14, modified: 2022-12-14
The Camp at LakehurstPublished in Journal of the New York Entomological Society, in 1909, in volume 17, pages 95-98Created: 2011-06-03, modified: 2016-05-24
Floral Abnormalities in Linaria vulgaris With Notes on a Method by Which New Genera May ArisePublished in Torreya, in 1941, in volume 41, issue 2, pages 33-42Created: 2022-12-12, modified: 2022-12-12
Four Days' Observations at a Gunning Camp on Marthas VineyardPublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1924, in volume 36, issue 2, pages 88-90Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
The spiders (Araneida) of Hazen Camp 81°49'N, 71°18'WPublished in Quaestiones Entomologicae, in 1966, in volume 2, issue 2, pages 153-208Created: 2016-11-21, modified: 2016-11-21
Another Record for Ascaphus truei StejnegerPublished in Copeia, in 1917, in volume 40, pages 13-14Created: 2013-03-07, modified: 2013-03-08
A Camp-Fire Girl's Tame Red-Breasted NuthatchPublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1915, in volume 27, issue 2, pages 313-315Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Note sur une épidote de Camp-Ras (Ariège)Published in Bulletin du Musée D'histoire Naturelle, in 1906, in volume 12, issue 3, pages 178-180Created: 2021-12-13, modified: 2021-12-13
An Abandoned Aboriginal Camp Site, near Paraburdoo, Western AustraliaPublished in Western Australian Naturalist, in 1975, in volume 13, issue 2/3, pages 37-41Created: 2021-04-04, modified: 2021-04-04
The Barstovian Camp Creek fauna from Elko County, NevadaPublished in Contributions in Science, in 1966, in volume 92, pages 1-18Created: 2017-07-18, modified: 2023-02-16
Booralana tricarinata, A New Species Of Isopod From The Western Atlantic ocean (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cirolanidae)Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1988, in volume 101, pages 603-613Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Report on a mammal survey at Camp Maxey, Lamar county, Texas (Texas Army National Guard Facility)Published in Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University, in 2007, in volume 267, pages 1-11Created: 2019-02-17, modified: 2019-02-17
Two Unique Nesting-Sites in and about Camp Buildings in Hamilton County, New YorkPublished in The Auk, in 1895, in volume 12, pages 314Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Additional Records Of Stomatopod Crustaceans From Isla-Del-Coco And Golfo-De-Papagayo, East Pacific-OceanPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1990, in volume 103, pages 847-853Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
The Little Hill, a chronicle of the flora on a half acre at the Green Camp, Ring wood, New Jersey by Anne Ophelia ToddPublished in Madroño, in 1962, in volume 16, issue 8, pages 268-269Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-07-07
Extracellular Lipid Droplets in Idiosepius notoides, the Southern Pygmy SquidPublished in Biol Bull, in 2003, in volume 205, pages 47-53Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
The status of the southern California toad, Bufo californicus (Camp)Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1930, in volume 43, pages 73-78Created: 2011-04-14, modified: 2011-06-21
Avifaunistic results of subtropical camp in the Cordillera del Condor, southeastern EcuadorPublished in Bulletin of The British Ornithologists' Club, in 1994, in volume 114, pages 55-61Created: 2012-12-02, modified: 2012-12-02
Echinoidae, Brachiopoda, and Lamellibranchia from the Upper Cretaceous Limestone of Need's Camp, Buffalo RiverPublished in Cape Town Annals S African Museum, in 1908, in volume 7, pages 13-20Created: 2011-11-15, modified: 2011-11-15
Spelerpes platycephalus, a new alpine salamander from Yosemite National park, CaliforniaPublished in University of California Publications In Zoology, in 1916, in volume 17, pages 11-14Created: 2014-05-17, modified: 2014-05-17
FOODS OF 2 SPECIES OF PLETHODON CAUDATA PLETHODONTIDAE FROM GEORGIA AND ALABAMA USAPublished in Brimleyana, in 1981, in volume 6, pages 163-166Created: 2017-04-21, modified: 2017-04-21
Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the Upper Cretaceous of Need's Camp, Buffalo River, Cape ProvincePublished in Cape Town Annals S African Museum, in 1916, in volume 12, pages 107-118Created: 2011-11-15, modified: 2023-02-16
Aspects of the feeding ecology of the little grass frog, Pseudacris ocularis (Anura: Hylidae)Published in Brimleyana, in 1995, in volume 22, pages 1-7Created: 2017-04-21, modified: 2017-04-21
AN ANNOTATED, PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF THE VASCULAR FLORA OF CAMP BUTNER, NORTH CAROLINAPublished in Sida, Contributions To Botany, in 2004, in volume 21, issue 2, pages 1131-1139Created: 2015-12-02, modified: 2015-12-02
Citric Acid as a Source of Carbon for Certain Citrus Fruit-Destroying FungiPublished in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, in 1923, in volume 10, pages 213-298Created: 2010-01-08, modified: 2015-12-16
Fennerosquilla New genus Of Stomatopod Crustacean From The Northwestern AtlanticPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1983, in volume 96, pages 317-322Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Hudson's Recent Bird BooksPublished in The Auk, in 1920, in volume 37, pages 610-611Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTS ON BIRD CASUALTIES AT MALSHEJ GHAT HOLIDAY CAMP MAHARASHTRA INDIAPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1986, in volume 83, issue 1, pages 68-77Created: 2015-11-01, modified: 2015-11-01
Erythrosquilloidea, a new superfamily, and Tetrasquillidae, a new family of stomatopod crustaceansPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1993, in volume 106, pages 85-91Created: 2011-04-14, modified: 2011-06-21
Opinion 1866 Hydromantes Gistel, 1848 (Amphibia, Caudata): Spelerpes platycephalus Camp, 1916 designated as the type speciesPublished in Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, in 1997, in volume 54, issue 1, pages 72-74Created: 2010-01-05, modified: 2024-07-12
PREDATORY BIRD POPULATIONS IN THE EAST MOJAVE DESERT, CALIFORNIAPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1999, in volume 59, issue 4, pages 331-338Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
CorrespondencePublished in Nautilis, in 1907, in volume 20, pages 142-143Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
VariationPublished in Nautilis, in 1909, in volume 23, pages 15-16Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Additional Records For An Atlantic Reef Lobster, Enoplometopus antillensis Lutken, 1865 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Enoplometopidae)Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1989, in volume 102, pages 411-417Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Sublethal Anesthesia of the Southern Pygmy Squid, Idiosepius notoides (Mollusca: Cephalopoda), and Its Use in Studying Digestive Lipid DropletsPublished in Veliger, in 2012, in volume 51, pages 117-130Created: 2013-12-24, modified: 2013-12-24
Four new Venezuelan birdsPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1951, in volume 64, pages 65-72Created: 2011-07-31, modified: 2011-07-31
Review Of The Platysquilla Complex Crustacea Stomatopoda Nannosquillidae With The Designation Of 2 New GeneraPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1981, in volume 94, pages 591-597Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Sur les phénomènes de recristallisation présentés par les blocs de diabase du fort vitrifié du camp de Péran, près Saint-BrieugPublished in Bulletin du Musée D'histoire Naturelle, in 1898, in volume 4, issue 8, pages 396-400Created: 2021-12-13, modified: 2021-12-13
Casco BayPublished in Nautilis, in 1896, in volume 10, pages 73-75Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
On collectingPublished in Nautilis, in 1909, in volume 23, pages 68-69Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Henry HemphillPublished in Nautilis, in 1914, in volume 28, pages 58-59Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Nomenclatorial notesPublished in Nautilis, in 1921, in volume 35, pages 49-50Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
W. H. HargravesPublished in Nautilis, in 1925, in volume 39, pages 68-69Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
OUR CHOKEBERRIESPublished in Rhodora, in 1902, in volume 4, issue 39, pages 55-57Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19