Les acariens psoriques parasites des chauves-souris. XX. Un cas d'hyperparasitisme par Nycteridocoptes poppei. Nouvelles observations sur l'évolution cyclique de la gale sarcoptique chez les chiroptèresPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1961, in volume 68, pages 305-309Created: 2012-11-07, modified: 2023-02-16
Les Myobiidae (Acarina, Prostigmata) parasites des Chauves-souris de Suisse. IIPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1979, in volume 86, pages 313-320Created: 2013-02-10, modified: 2023-02-16
Les Myobiidae (Acarina, Prostigmata) parasites des Chauves-souris de Suisse. IPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1979, in volume 86, pages 203-220Created: 2013-02-10, modified: 2023-02-16
Life cycle of Apodemopus apodemi (Fain, 1965) (Glycyphagidae: Sarcoptiformes Acari)Published in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1972, in volume 115, pages 325-339Created: 2010-12-07, modified: 2011-06-21
Life cycle of Melesodectes auricularis Fain & Lukoschus (Glycyphagidae, Sarcoptiformes)Published in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1971, in volume 114, pages 173-183Created: 2010-03-23, modified: 2011-06-21
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA V NASAL MITES FROM BATS (ACARI GASTRONYSSIDAE AND EREYNETIDAE) (1)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1979, in volume 7, pages 57-60Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
THE HYPOPIAL NYMPHS OF THE GENUS MARSUPIOPUS FAIN, 1968 (ACARINA ASTIGMATA) INCLUDING FOUR NEW TAXAPublished in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1976, in volume 4, issue 4, pages 375-382Created: 2017-02-28, modified: 2017-02-28
Parasitic mites of Surinam XI. Four new species of the genus Psorergatoides Fain, 1959 (Psorergatidae: Trombidiformes)Published in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1973, in volume 116, pages 63-81Created: 2010-03-23, modified: 2011-06-21
The genera Campylochirus Trouessart and Campylochiropsis Fain (Acari: Atopomelidae), parasites of phalangeroid marsupials in AustralasiaPublished in Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1976, in volume 101, pages 27-37Created: 2019-09-17, modified: 2019-09-17
LIFE CYCLE STAGES OF MITES OF THE GENUS CTENOCOLLETACARUS FAIN (ACARI ACARIDAE) ASSOCIATED WITH CTENOCOLLETES BEES IN AUSTRALIAPublished in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1986, in volume 13, issue 1, pages 67Created: 2017-05-21, modified: 2017-05-21
Nouveaux Acariens Astigmates cavernicoles du KenyaPublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1977, in volume 84, pages 565-581Created: 2013-03-26, modified: 2023-02-16
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA IV OBSERVATIONS ON THE GENUS MARSUPIOPUS FAIN, 1968 (ACARINA ASTIGMATA GLYCYPHAGIDAE)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1979, in volume 7, pages 37-55Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
Michaelopus spinitarsis Fain (Acari: Acaridae): a first record in the British IslesPublished in British Journal of Entomology and Natural History, in 2001, in volume 14, issue 4, pages 217-221Created: 2018-04-24, modified: 2018-04-24
Notes on two new heteromorphic deutonymphs (hypopi) (Acarina: Sarcoptiformes)Published in Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1968, in volume 92, pages 246-250Created: 2011-05-31, modified: 2017-07-17
Hormosianoetus aeschlimanni n.g., n. sp. (Acari, Anoetidae) phorétique sur des drosophiles d'elevage en SuissePublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1980, in volume 87, issue 3, pages 753-756Created: 2013-03-03, modified: 2023-02-16
A new genus of mite (Acari : Acaridae) phoretic on bees (Ctenocolletes) in AustraliaPublished in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1984, in volume 11, issue 0, pages 77-86Created: 2017-10-11, modified: 2017-10-11
Spécificité et évolution parallèle hôtes-parasites chez les Myobiidae (Acari)Published in Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Série A, Zoologie, in 1982, in volume 123, issue 1, pages 77-85Created: 2019-04-25, modified: 2019-04-25
Speleognathinae Collected from Birds in North America (Acarina: Ereynetidae)Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1975, in volume 83, issue 3, pages 203-208Created: 2016-06-13, modified: 2016-06-13
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA X ATOPOMELIDAE FROM MARSUPIALS (ACARI LISTROPHOROIDEA)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1981, in volume 8, issue 4, pages 533-562Created: 2017-02-28, modified: 2017-02-28
A new species of 'Myianoetus' Oudemans (Acarina: Anoetidae) from a ceratopogonid fly in AustralasiaPublished in Australian entomological magazine, in 1980, in volume 7, issue 4, pages 41-44Created: 2021-12-26, modified: 2022-05-09
Ellipsopus ornatus New genus New species Of Acaridae Acari Phoretic On The Beetle Bolitotherus cornutusPublished in Entomological News, in 1976, in volume 87, pages 233-236Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA VI MYOBIIDAE PARASITIC ON BATS (ACARINA PROSTIGMATA)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1979, in volume 7, pages 61-107Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA VIII MYOBIIDAE PARASITIC ON MARSUPIALS (ACARI PROSTIGMATA)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1979, in volume 7, pages 287-299Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA IX MYOBIIDAE PARASITIC ON RODENTS (ACARI PROSTIGMATA)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1979, in volume 7, pages 301-316Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA X LABIDOCARPINAE FROM BATS (ACARI LISTROPHOROIDEA, CHIRODISCIDAE)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1981, in volume 8, issue 4, pages 517-532Created: 2017-02-28, modified: 2017-02-28
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA X ATOPOMELIDAE PARASITIC ON RODENTS (ACARI LISTROPHOROIDEA)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1981, in volume 8, issue 4, pages 563-584Created: 2017-02-28, modified: 2017-02-28
Glycyphagus (Myacarus) helveticus sp. n. (Acari, Astigmata) vivant dans le nid d'Arvicola terrestris en SuissePublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1979, in volume 86, pages 455-461Created: 2013-02-10, modified: 2023-02-16
Two new parasitic mites (Acari: Sarcoptidae and Atopomelidae) from Tasmanian marsupialsPublished in Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1974, in volume 98, pages 122-130Created: 2019-09-18, modified: 2019-09-18
A new mite (Acari, Acaridae) from a nest of the wasp Paragia tricolor Smith in AustraliaPublished in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1986, in volume 12, pages 407-413Created: 2017-10-11, modified: 2017-10-11
Notes sur deux Acariens mesostigmatiques (Acari: Mesostigmata) associés à des Souïmangas (Oiseaux, Nectariniidae) de Côte-d'IvoirePublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1991, in volume 98, pages 319-324Created: 2013-01-27, modified: 2023-02-16
JUVENILE HORMONE TITERS IN THE HEMOLYMPH DURING LATE LARVAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOBACCO HORNWORM, MANDUCA SEXTA (L.)Published in Biol Bull, in 1975, in volume 149, pages 506-521Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2011-06-21
A new heteromorphic deutonymph (Acari: Winterschmidtiidae) phoretic on the flea Pygiopsylla hoplia Jordan and Rothschild in AustraliaPublished in Australian Entomological Magazine, in 1989, in volume 16, issue 2, pages 43-46Created: 2022-12-04, modified: 2022-12-04
Ascidae Associated with the Nasal Cavities of Mexican Birds (Acarina: Mesostigmata)Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1978, in volume 86, issue 3, pages 260-267Created: 2017-01-10, modified: 2017-01-10
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA II NASAL MITES FROM BIRDS (ACARINA RHINONYSSIDAE, DERMANYSSIDAE, EREYNETIDAE AND CYTODITIDAE)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1979, in volume 7, pages 9-27Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
Myoproctalges surinamensis, a new genus and species of mite parasitic on the acuchi Myoprocta acouchy from Surinam (Psoroptidae, Psoralginae: Sarcoptiformes)Published in Fieldiana Zoology, in 1974, in volume 65, issue 3, pages 21-25Created: 2012-08-02, modified: 2023-02-16
Mites of the family Myobiidae (Acarina: Prostigmata) from mammals in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History)Published in Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, in 1978, in volume 33, issue 3, pages 193-229Created: 2009-12-21, modified: 2011-06-21
Two new acarid hypopi (Acari, Astigmata) from the faeces of the numbat Myrmecobius fasciatus Waterhouse (Marsupiala, Myrmecobiidae)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1984, in volume 11, pages 101-108Created: 2017-10-11, modified: 2017-10-11
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA I HYPOPI OF THE FAMILY HYPODERIDAE MURRAY, 1877Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1979, in volume 7, pages 1-8Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
Morphologie et cycle évolutif de Taenia brauni Setti 1897, Cestode très commun chez le Chien et le Chacal en Ituri (Congo belge)Published in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1952, in volume 59, pages 487-501Created: 2012-11-11, modified: 2023-02-16
Parasites of Western Australia. XV. A New Species of Psorergatoides (Acarina: Psorergatidae) from Australian BatsPublished in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1982, in volume 9, issue 4, pages 315-323Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
PARASITES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA III ALABIDOPUS MURIS SP. NOV. (ACARINA ASTIGMATA GLYCYPHAGIDAE) FROM RATTUS TUNNEYIPublished in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1979, in volume 7, pages 29-36Created: 2017-02-06, modified: 2017-02-06
Notes on the Myocoptidae of North America with Description of a New Species on the Eastern Chipmunk, Tamias striatus LinnaeusPublished in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1970, in volume 78, issue 2, pages 80-87Created: 2016-06-13, modified: 2016-06-13
Einiges über den v. Herrn V. v. Tschusi beschriebenen seltenen RackelhahnPublished in Journal für Ornithologie, in 1891, in volume 39, pages 405-411Created: 2014-09-04, modified: 2014-09-04
Conulus fulvus Mull. var. Dentatus, n. vPublished in Nautilis, in 1893, in volume 7, pages 4-5Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
New subspecies of Parnassius nomion from Northern KazakhstanPublished in Nota Lepidopterologica, in 2011, in volume 34, issue 1, pages 87-90Created: 2015-03-16, modified: 2015-03-16
Studies in Tasmanian spiders. Part V. (The Oonopidae)Published in Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, in 1931, in volume 1931, pages 20-31Created: 2025-03-17, modified: 2025-03-17
Statut der deutschen ornithologischen Gesellschaft zu BerlinPublished in Journal für Ornithologie, in 1867, in volume 15, pages 423-426Created: 2014-09-04, modified: 2014-09-04
Anzasiscrassicornis Rossi v. nigriventris n. v. (Hym)Published in Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, in 1916, in volume 1916, issue 1, pages 42Created: 2017-05-07, modified: 2017-05-07
Die Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida) Kenyas V. ChernetidaePublished in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1982, in volume 89, pages 691-712Created: 2013-02-10, modified: 2023-02-16
Regeneration abilities of spongillid larvaePublished in Memoirs of The Queensland Museum, in 1999, in volume 44, pages 568Created: 2012-10-29, modified: 2012-10-29