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The Tremadoc trilobite Pseudokainella impar (Salter)Published in Palaeontology, in 1969, in volume 12, issue 3, pages 406-413Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
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Miocene Ruminants of East AfricaPublished in Fossil mammals of Africa, in 1958, in volume 15, pages 1-50Created: 2022-02-13, modified: 2022-02-13
The Miocene Hyracoids of East AfricaPublished in Fossil mammals of Africa, in 1954, in volume 7, pages 1-59Created: 2022-02-13, modified: 2022-02-13
Ontogeny of the Upper Cambrian trilobite Leptoplastus crassicornis (Westergaard) from SwedenPublished in Palaeontology, in 1970, in volume 13, issue 1, pages 100-111Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Peat Bog FormationPublished in Carnivorous plant newsletter, in 1976, in volume 5, issue 2, pages 28-29Created: 2018-05-11, modified: 2018-05-11
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Hieracium murorum in MassachusettsPublished in Rhodora, in 1905, in volume 7, issue 76, pages 80Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-26
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A review of Ochreriades (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae: Osmiini)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1994, in volume 70, issue 4, pages 318-321Created: 2018-07-03, modified: 2018-07-03
Anatomical Studies of Sphaeropteris and Cnemidaria (Cyatheaceae)Published in American Fern Journal, in 1985, in volume 75, pages 80-91Created: 2017-04-23, modified: 2017-04-23
Trechus obtusus Erichson in California (Coleoptera: Carabidae)Published in The Coleopterists Bulletin, in 1972, in volume 26, issue 2, pages 42Created: 2023-11-07, modified: 2023-11-07
Aberrant Leaves on Angle-Shoots of Selaginella martensii SpringPublished in American Fern Journal, in 1970, in volume 60, pages 1-6Created: 2017-04-23, modified: 2017-04-23
On a new genus of Hawaiian chironomidsPublished in Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, in 1913, in volume 2, pages 291-295Created: 2010-11-20, modified: 2011-06-21
MEDIARGO NEW GENUS A NEW TERTIARY GENUS IN THE FAMILY CYMATIIDAE FOSSILPublished in Veliger, in 1968, in volume 11, pages 42-44Created: 2013-08-04, modified: 2013-08-04
A NEW SPECIES OF CTENOCOLLETES (HYMENOPTERA STENOTRITIDAE)Published in Records of The Western Australian Museum, in 1982, in volume 10, issue 4, pages 307-313Created: 2017-02-12, modified: 2017-02-12
Quercus hinckleyi × Q. vaseyana, a putative hybrid from Presidio County, TexasPublished in Phytologia, in 2010, in volume 92, issue 3, pages 400-406Created: 2017-03-08, modified: 2017-03-08
Alimentary transport of pollen in a paracolletine bee (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)Published in Australian entomological magazine, in 1981, in volume 8, issue 4, pages 57-59Created: 2021-12-26, modified: 2022-05-09
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A Case of Homonymy in the Tachyina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini)Published in The Coleopterists Bulletin, in 1976, in volume 30, issue 1, pages 94Created: 2023-11-06, modified: 2023-11-06
Craterellus excelsus sp. nov. from GuyanaPublished in Mycotaxon, in 2009, in volume 107, issue 1, pages 201-208Created: 2025-02-03, modified: 2025-02-03
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A new Microbembex endemic to the Algodones Dunes, California (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1996, in volume 72, issue 3, pages 142-144Created: 2018-06-24, modified: 2018-06-24
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Observations on Drought Resistance in Selaginella densa RydbPublished in American Fern Journal, in 1964, in volume 54, pages 189-196Created: 2017-04-23, modified: 2017-04-23
Max Bänninger: His Collection and Publications (Coleoptera: Carabidae)Published in The Coleopterists Bulletin, in 1978, in volume 32, issue 4, pages 357-366Created: 2023-11-06, modified: 2023-11-06
Correct Validation of the Generic Name Acallepitrix Bechyné 1959 (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae)Published in The Coleopterists Bulletin, in 1976, in volume 30, issue 2, pages 205-206Created: 2023-11-06, modified: 2023-11-06
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The classification of Old World Anthidiini (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae)Published in University of Kansas Science Bulletin, in 1994, in volume 55, issue 9, pages 299-327Created: 2010-02-19, modified: 2012-05-22
A new subgenus and species of Neotropical Hylaeus from Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)Published in Journal of Hymenoptera Research, in 2009, in volume 18, issue 2, pages 178-182Created: 2011-10-04, modified: 2014-06-20
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Cultivation of Peyote: a logical and practical solution to the problem of decreased availabilityPublished in Phytologia, in 2013, in volume 95, issue 4, pages 314-320Created: 2016-06-29, modified: 2016-06-29
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Rediscovery and further description of the bee 'Leioproctus (Notocouetes) heterodoxus' (Cockerell) (Hymenoptera: Colletinae)Published in Australian entomological magazine, in 1974, in volume 2, issue 1, pages 7-9Created: 2021-11-22, modified: 2022-05-09
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BLOCKAGE AND RECOVERY OF NITRIFICATION IN SOILS EXPOSED TO ACETYLENEPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1986, in volume 46, issue 2, pages 316-320Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
Notes on the behaviour of an Australian carpenter bee, genus 'Xylocopa' Latr. (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae)Published in Australian entomological magazine, in 1974, in volume 2, issue 2, pages 36-38Created: 2021-11-21, modified: 2022-05-09