Obituary: Salim Ali, 1896-1987Published in Forktail, in 1987, in volume 3, pages 70-72Created: 2019-05-12, modified: 2019-05-12
Ornithological Notes from PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1981, in volume 78, issue 1, pages 73-76Created: 2015-08-25, modified: 2015-08-25
Ornithological Records for PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1975, in volume 72, issue 1, pages 201-204Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Unusual Ornithological Records for PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1978, in volume 75, issue 1, pages 216-219Created: 2015-08-25, modified: 2015-08-25
Epilogue on a Sind LakePublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1967, in volume 64, pages 13-21Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS FROM PAKISTANPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1989, in volume 86, issue 2, pages 135-140Created: 2015-10-25, modified: 2015-10-25
RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS FROM PAKISTANPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1984, in volume 81, issue 2, pages 399-405Created: 2015-11-12, modified: 2015-11-12
Bird Notes from Baluchistan Province PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1980, in volume 77, issue 1, pages 12-20Created: 2015-08-25, modified: 2015-08-25
Learning About Vocal Communication in BirdsPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 2003, in volume 100, issue 2-3, pages 390-393Created: 2015-10-13, modified: 2015-10-13
A Note on Copra Hircus Blythi Hume, 1875Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1967, in volume 64, pages 358-365Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
A Note on the Urial, Ovis Orientalis GmelinPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1966, in volume 63, pages 743-746Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Twentieth century changes in the avifauna of PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1996, in volume 93, issue 3, pages 374-381Created: 2015-10-13, modified: 2015-10-13
A Note on Ciconia Nigra (Linnaeus) in West PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1969, in volume 66, pages 616-619Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
The fishes of the Malaysian family Phallostethidae (Atheriniformes)Published in Breviora, in 1971, in volume 374, pages 1-27Created: 2009-12-27, modified: 2021-04-05
CaliforniaPublished in Madroño, in 2008, in volume 55, pages 90-91Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-02-15
4. Rediscovery of the Afghan Mole Vole Ellobius Fuscocapillus in PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1999, in volume 96, issue 1, pages 134-139Created: 2015-10-11, modified: 2015-10-11
The type locality of Cynictis peniciUata coo/nfo5/7 Roberts, 1929 and Gerbillus paeba coonifos// Roberts, 1929Published in Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, in 1989, in volume 54, pages 329-330Created: 2016-08-03, modified: 2016-08-03
A Note on the Yellow Throated Marten Martes flavigula in West PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1970, in volume 67, issue 2, pages 321-326Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Interesting Distributional Records for PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1973, in volume 70, issue 3, pages 552-554Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
A Note on Testudo horsfieldi the Afghan Tortoise Or Horsfields Four toed TortoisePublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1975, in volume 72, issue 1, pages 206-209Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
A new method of determining the mechanical equivalent of heatPublished in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1920, in volume 32, issue 2, pages 148-155Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Roberts on Minnesota BirdsPublished in The Auk, in 1919, in volume 36, pages 598Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Rednecked Grebe Podiceps Griseigena (Boddaert) Sighted in West PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1967, in volume 64, pages 555-557Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
OBSERVATIONS ON MENTZELIA-D IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAPublished in Phytologia, in 1971, in volume 21, issue 4, pages 279-288Created: 2016-05-06, modified: 2016-05-06
On the Occurrence of Haliaeetus Albicilla (Linnaeus) in West PakistanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1969, in volume 66, pages 619-622Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Choreography of the Squid's "Nuptial Dance"Published in Biol Bull, in 1997, in volume 192, pages 203-207Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
The Enemies of SnakesPublished in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc, in 1907, in volume 18, pages 197Created: 2023-10-08, modified: 2023-10-08
Additions To the Checklist of the Birds of Pakistan, Vol. 1 Non passeriformes, Vol. 2 PasseriformesPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 2002, in volume 99, issue 2, pages 323-325Created: 2015-10-13, modified: 2015-10-13
Scale-eating American characoid fishes, withspecial reference to Probolodus heterostomusPublished in Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., in 1970, in volume 38, pages 383-390Created: 2009-12-24, modified: 2011-06-21
MiscellaneaPublished in Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, in 1924, in volume 18, issue 3, pages 413Created: 2022-11-01, modified: 2022-11-01
The status of the Charadriiformes in BulgariaPublished in Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, in 1980, in volume 31, pages 38-57Created: 2014-05-17, modified: 2014-05-17
Middle Devonian brachiopods from the Roberts Mountains, central NevadaPublished in Palaeontology, in 1966, in volume 9, issue 1, pages 152-181Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
On the Bionomics ofHippobosca EquinaPublished in Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, in 1925, in volume 19, issue 1, pages 81-90Created: 2022-11-01, modified: 2022-11-01
A Note on Capra Falconeri - (Wagner, 1839)Published in Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, in 1967, in volume 34, pages 238-249Created: 2016-08-03, modified: 2016-08-03
Description, osteology and relationships of the Amazonian cyprinodont fish Fluviphylax pygmaeus (Myers and Carvalho)Published in Breviora, in 1970, in volume 347, pages 1-28Created: 2009-12-27, modified: 2011-06-21
The Winter Bird Life of Minnesota by Thomas S. RobertsPublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1917, in volume 29, issue 3, pages 167Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Ecology of fishes in the Amazon and Congo BasinsPublished in Bulletin of The Museum of Comparative Zoology, in 1972, in volume 143, pages 117-147Created: 2009-12-23, modified: 2021-04-05
Micromischodus sugillatus, a new hemiodontid characin fish from Brazil, and its relationship to the ChilodontidaePublished in Breviora, in 1971, in volume 367, pages 1-25Created: 2009-12-27, modified: 2021-04-05
An Obituary Notice of William Milnor RobertsPublished in Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society, in 1882, in volume 20, issue 111, pages 199-202Created: 2017-01-01, modified: 2017-01-01
An attempt to determine the systematic position of Ellopostoma megalomycter, an enigmatic freshwater fish from BorneoPublished in Breviora, in 1972, in volume 384, pages 1-16Created: 2009-12-27, modified: 2021-04-05
A further note on the status of Monticola pretoriae Gunning & Roberts, 1911Published in Bulletin of The British Ornithologists' Club, in 1979, in volume 99, pages 20-21Created: 2012-12-03, modified: 2012-12-03
Two species of Delepinea from New South WalesPublished in Palaeontology, in 1964, in volume 7, issue 3, pages 514-524Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
An ecological and systematic survey of fishes in the rapids of the lower Zaire or Congo RiverPublished in Bulletin of The Museum of Comparative Zoology, in 1976, in volume 147, pages 239-317Created: 2009-12-23, modified: 2021-04-05
The glandulocaudine characid fishes of the Guayas basin in western EcuadorPublished in Bulletin of The Museum of Comparative Zoology, in 1973, in volume 144, pages 489-514Created: 2009-12-23, modified: 2021-04-05
Alternaria cerasidanica sp. nov., isolated in Denmark from drupes of Prunus aviumPublished in Mycotaxon, in 2010, in volume 111, issue 1, pages 175-182Created: 2025-02-10, modified: 2025-02-10
Temple PrimePublished in Nautilis, in 1903, in volume 16, pages 138-139Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
A reduction of Cyprea annae Roberts and Cyprea polita Roberts to synonomy with Cyprea semiplota MighelsPublished in Nautilis, in 1936, in volume 50, pages 51-52Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Osteology and relationships of the Prochilodontidae, a South American family of Characoid fishesPublished in Bulletin of The Museum of Comparative Zoology, in 1973, in volume 145, pages 213-235Created: 2009-12-23, modified: 2011-06-21
A Viséan cephalopod fauna from New South WalesPublished in Palaeontology, in 1965, in volume 7, issue 4, pages 682-694Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Osteology and description of Thrattidion noctivagus, a minute, new freshwater clupeid fish from Cameroon, with a discussion of Pellonulin relationshipsPublished in Breviora, in 1972, in volume 382, pages 1-25Created: 2009-12-27, modified: 2021-04-05