A preliminary revision of the genus Myophthiria Rondani (Diptera: Hippoboscidae)Published in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1980, in volume 87, pages 835-861Created: 2013-03-03, modified: 2023-02-16
IDENTITY OF SYRISTA SPECIOSA MOCSARY AND NOTES ON THE GENUS UROSYRISTA MAA(HYMENOPTERA : CEPHIDAE)Published in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1999, in volume 101, pages 285-289Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Unusual oviposition behavior onevergreen azalea by the andromeda lace bug Stephanitis takeyai (Drake and MAA) (heteroptera: Tingidae)Published in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1988, in volume 90, pages 52-54Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
A new species of Hyperxiphia MAA (Hymenoptera Xiphydriidae) from Japan, reared from wood of Machilus Thunbergii sieb. and ZUCC. and Ardisia Sieboldii MiqPublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 2007, in volume 109, pages 435-439Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
ACANTHACEAEPublished in Rodriguésia, in 1957, in volume 20, issue 32, pages 138-150Created: 2016-07-17, modified: 2016-07-17
SHORTER NOTESPublished in Torreya, in 1905, in volume 5, issue 8, pages 145-147Created: 2022-12-15, modified: 2022-12-15
Genus makingPublished in Nautilis, in 1889, in volume 3, pages 5-8Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
MykologischesPublished in Linnaea, in 1852, in volume 25, pages 158-161Created: 2017-10-18, modified: 2017-10-18
In memoriam P. C. T. SnellenPublished in Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, in 1912, in volume 55, issue 1/2, pages 1-8Created: 2010-01-11, modified: 2021-04-05
Enumeration des Lepidopteres Heteroceres recueillis a Java par Mr M. C. Piepers avec des notes par Mr P. C. T. SnellenPublished in Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, in 1900, in volume 43, pages 12-108Created: 2011-10-04, modified: 2022-08-15
Patella (Helcioniscus) nigrisquamata ReevePublished in Nautilis, in 1894, in volume 8, pages 91-92Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
What is a species?Published in Nautilis, in 1889, in volume 3, pages 78-80Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
A search for LiguusPublished in Nautilis, in 1922, in volume 35, pages 65-73Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Florida West Coast LiguusPublished in Nautilis, in 1921, in volume 35, pages 20-22Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
A RejoinderPublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1914, in volume 26, issue 3, pages 157-161Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Neue MicrolepidopterenPublished in Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, in 1872, in volume 33, pages 23-26Created: 2012-12-02, modified: 2012-12-02
Letters, Extracts from Correspondence, Notices &cPublished in Ibis, in 1860, in volume 2, issue 4, pages 428-432Created: 2024-10-04, modified: 2024-10-04
Pseudoscorpions Phoretic On A SpiderPublished in Entomological News, in 1974, in volume 85, pages 21-22Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Erycinidae, LycaenidaePublished in The Rhopalocera of Java, in 1918, in volume 4, pages 1-114Created: 2017-10-13, modified: 2017-10-13
A new Anolis from CubaPublished in Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, in 1916, in volume 29, pages 19-20Created: 2009-12-26, modified: 2011-10-03
A STUDY OF SOME LITTLE KNOWN CHALCID WASPS HYMENOPTERA CHALCIDOIDEAPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1989, in volume 86, issue 2, pages 263Created: 2015-10-25, modified: 2015-10-25
Seven new species and one new combination in Carex (Cyperaceae) from North AmericaPublished in Novon, in 2002, in volume 12, pages 508-532Created: 2011-01-28, modified: 2016-02-16
Larval Biology Of Briarosaccus callosus Boschma (Cirripedia, Rhizocephala)Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1985, in volume 98, pages 935-944Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
A reply to Professor WheelerPublished in Nautilis, in 1893, in volume 7, pages 22-23Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
The mussels scars of uniosPublished in Nautilis, in 1896, in volume 10, pages 29-30Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Notes on Bulimulus dormani W.G.BPublished in Nautilis, in 1890, in volume 4, pages 79-81Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
A new BlepyrusPublished in Zoologica New York, in 1921, in volume 3, pages 229-230Created: 2016-07-04, modified: 2016-07-04
Bert Heald BaileyPublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1917, in volume 29, issue 4, pages 195-197Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
ConservationPublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1925, in volume 37, issue 4, pages 244-247Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
John Hall SagePublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1925, in volume 37, issue 4, pages 248Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Ueber Gastr. Arbusculae,Published in Entomologische Zeitung Stettin, in 1860, in volume 21, pages 414-417Created: 2016-11-22, modified: 2016-11-22
Newmania sessilanthera (Zingiberaceae): a new species from VietnamPublished in Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore, in 2015, in volume 67, issue 2, pages 351-355Created: 2017-04-12, modified: 2017-04-12
Progress toward tracking migrating raptors by satellitePublished in Raptor Research, in 1976, in volume 10, issue 4, pages 112-119Created: 2017-04-08, modified: 2017-04-08
Drie synonymische aanteekeningenPublished in Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, in 1885, in volume 28, pages 50Created: 2010-01-11, modified: 2011-06-21
Aanteekeningen over pyralidenPublished in Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, in 1901, in volume 43, issue 3/4, pages 265-310Created: 2010-01-11, modified: 2011-06-21
Lophosoma ? sarah SnellPublished in Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, in 1910, in volume 53, issue 3/4, pages 282-284Created: 2010-01-11, modified: 2021-04-05
Kleine entomologische aanteekeningenPublished in Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, in 1867, in volume 10, pages 120-125Created: 2010-01-11, modified: 2011-06-21
Drie nieuwe choreutinenPublished in Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, in 1875, in volume 18, pages 70-78Created: 2010-01-11, modified: 2011-06-21
New genera of AmobiinaePublished in Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, in 1917, in volume 5, pages 157-164Created: 2011-03-07, modified: 2016-08-23
Parasitic Hymenoptera from the Fiji IslandsPublished in Psyche, in 1922, in volume 29, pages 10-22Created: 2011-06-04, modified: 2017-01-06
Some parasitic Hymenoptera from New ZealandPublished in Psyche, in 1922, in volume 29, pages 216-225Created: 2011-06-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Notes on Chinese species of AssimineaPublished in Nautilis, in 1941, in volume 54, pages 119-121Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Notes on collecting shells in JamaicaPublished in Nautilis, in 1894, in volume 7, pages 110-113Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
On the classification of the UnionidaePublished in Nautilis, in 1901, in volume 15, pages 77-82Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
A new locality for Cerion incanumPublished in Nautilis, in 1905, in volume 18, pages 137-138Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
Book NoticesPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1913, in volume 20, issue 1, pages 54-55Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Book NoticesPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1929, in volume 36, issue 2, pages 148Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Book NoticesPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1928, in volume 35, issue 4, pages 237-238Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
New BooksPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1929, in volume 36, issue 4, pages 387-388Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Lepidoptera van CelebesPublished in Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, in 1878, in volume 22, pages 61-126Created: 2018-08-11, modified: 2018-08-11