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Assessing quality of a regenerated prairie using floral and faunal indicesPublished in Phytoneuron, in 2014, in volume 2014-73, pages 1-15Created: 2016-04-29, modified: 2016-04-29
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Boden- und baumstammbewohnende Linyphiidae des Hienheimer Forstes (Bayern) (Arachnida: Araneae)Published in Arachnologische Mitteilungen, in 1998, in volume 16, pages 8-20Created: 2016-12-21, modified: 2016-12-21
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The genus Mesocoelus Schulz (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1932, in volume 45, pages 227-230Created: 2011-07-31, modified: 2011-07-31
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Neue Melolonthiden aus Usambra aus der Sammlung des Herrn Dr. Julius SchulzPublished in Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, in 1903, in volume 1903, issue 2, pages 295-299Created: 2017-05-07, modified: 2017-05-07
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A TAXONOMIC STUDY OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN GENUS MEGALOPROCTUS SCHULZ (HYMENOPTERA : BRACONIDAE : DORYCTINABE)Published in Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, in 1983, in volume 20, pages 363-380Created: 2024-04-16, modified: 2024-04-16
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Growth and Care Instructions of a New Model Species—the Lycophyte Selaginella apodaPublished in American Fern Journal, in 2010, in volume 100, pages 167-171Created: 2017-04-23, modified: 2017-04-23
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