A new species of Microcylloepus from NevadaPublished in Entomological News, in 1949, in volume 60, issue 8, pages 205-209Created: 2011-03-06, modified: 2021-04-05
A new subspecies of Stenelmis from NevadaPublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1949, in volume 51, issue 5, pages 218-224Created: 2011-03-06, modified: 2011-10-03
Eusattus vs. SphaeriontisPublished in Entomological News, in 1949, in volume 60, pages 179-180Created: 2018-01-16, modified: 2018-01-16
2 New Species Of Laccocoris From British North Borneo Hemiptera Heteroptera Naucoridae LaccocorinaePublished in Proceedings of The Entomological Society of Washington, in 1970, in volume 72, pages 496-499Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Some synonymy in Coniontellus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)Published in Entomological News, in 1947, in volume 58, pages 213-214Created: 2018-01-16, modified: 2018-01-16
The Ostracoda and Foraminifera of Tidal Rivers. Part i. (Ostracoda)Published in Annals of Natural History, in 1870, in volume 6, pages 1-33Created: 2011-12-06, modified: 2011-12-06
Notes on the Bembioid, Stictiella pulla (Handlirsch) (Hymenoptera)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1942, in volume 18, pages 4-8Created: 2017-05-21, modified: 2017-05-21
Notes on Cysteodemus in Southern Nevada (Coleoptera: Meloidae)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1938, in volume 14, pages 124-128Created: 2017-05-21, modified: 2017-05-21
A new Ambrysus from Venezuela (Hemiptera, Naucoridae)Published in Gt Basin Nat., in 1970, in volume 30, pages 1-4Created: 2012-01-17, modified: 2012-01-17
A Limnocoris for the United States (Hemiptera: Naucoridae)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1957, in volume 33, pages 71-75Created: 2018-08-12, modified: 2018-08-12
Preliminary synopsis of the dragon-flies of NevadaPublished in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1940, in volume 16, pages 111-123Created: 2017-05-21, modified: 2017-05-21
New Nevada Orthoptera records for the1949col-lecting seasonPublished in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1951, in volume 27, pages 173-180Created: 2017-05-21, modified: 2017-05-21
On the genus Troglodems Le Conte (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)Published in Entomological News Lancaster, in 1946, in volume 57, pages 35-44Created: 2011-08-10, modified: 2021-04-05
Obituary: Ira John La Rivers, II, 1915-1977Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1979, in volume 55, issue 3, pages 230-233Created: 2018-06-17, modified: 2018-06-17
Nota Cientifica: Sobre Placomerus Micans La Rivers (Heteroptera, Naucoridae) Y Su Presencia En La ArgentinaPublished in Iheringia Serie Zoologia, in 1991, in volume 71, pages 175-176Created: 2011-07-05, modified: 2011-07-05
THE CERAMBYCOID SEMI-AQUATIC COLEOPTERA OF THE NEVADA AREAPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1951, in volume 11, pages 97-104Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
The meeting point of Ambrysus and Pelocoris in Nevada (Hemiptera: Naucoridae)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1950, in volume 26, pages 19-21Created: 2018-08-12, modified: 2018-08-12
A new species and subspecies of Ambrysus from Guatemala (Hemiptera: Naucoridae)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1953, in volume 29, pages 138-142Created: 2017-05-21, modified: 2017-05-21
THE STAPHYLINOID AND DASCILLOID AQUATIC COLEOPTERA OF THE NEVADA AREAPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1950, in volume 10, pages 66-70Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
An annotated list of the Cicindelidae known to occur in Nevada (Coleoptera)Published in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1946, in volume 22, pages 135-141Created: 2017-05-21, modified: 2017-05-21
Butterfly records of interest from the Northern Rivers district of New South WalesPublished in Australian entomological magazine, in 1975, in volume 2, issue 4, pages 85-86Created: 2021-11-21, modified: 2022-05-09
First Record of Bronzed Cowbird Parasitism on the Great-Tailed GracklePublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 2005, in volume 117, issue 2, pages 194-196Created: 2016-12-11, modified: 2016-12-11
A New PleocomaPublished in Entomologica Americana, in 1889, in volume 5, pages 17-18Created: 2011-06-03, modified: 2021-04-05
Breeding of the Gourami [Osphronemus Goramy (Lacepede)] in Indian RiversPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1950, in volume 49, pages 562-566Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Lower Cretaceous fossils from the sources of the Barcoo, Ward and Nive Rivers, south central Queensland. Part I. Annelida, Pelecypoda and GasteropodaPublished in Records of the Australian Museum, in 1907, in volume 6, pages 317-329Created: 2010-10-22, modified: 2017-01-06
Le genre Tieghemella et la série des AbsidiéesPublished in Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, in 1903, in volume 19, pages 119-127Created: 2017-10-03, modified: 2017-10-03
Biology of Aquatic and Littoral Insects by R. L. Usinger, Ira La Rivers, H. P. Chandler, W. W. WirthPublished in The Coleopterists Bulletin, in 1949, in volume 3, issue 1, pages 4Created: 2023-11-07, modified: 2023-11-07
Sur quelques pleuronectes appartenant aux genres Synaptura et Cynoglossus et provenant de la Cochin-chine et du LaosPublished in Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris, in 1878, in volume 2, pages 92-96Created: 2017-01-26, modified: 2017-01-26
Resultados de la primera expedition a Tierra del Fuego (1921) . . . Equinodermos. I. EquinoideosPublished in Anales De La Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, in 1925, in volume 99, pages 247-261Created: 2016-02-12, modified: 2016-02-12
La enseñanza del castellano i la reforma de la gramáticaPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1920, in volume 146, pages 343-395Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
Comparacion de las floras i faunas de la República de Chile i ArjentinaPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1893, in volume 84, pages 529-555Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
New species of ScarabaeidaePublished in Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, in 1891, in volume 3, pages 97-98Created: 2011-06-01, modified: 2011-06-21
A Summary of the Mormon Cricket (Anabrus simplex) (Tettig. Orthop.)Published in Entomological News, in 1944, in volume 55, pages 71-77Created: 2011-06-03, modified: 2021-04-05
GASTROPODS MOLLUSCS OF VALENCIAN RIVERSPublished in Iberus, in 1990, in volume 9, pages 449-460Created: 2014-01-12, modified: 2014-01-12
The Argynnides of North AmericaPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1890, in volume 5, issue 167-168, pages 328-329Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Boletin de Instruccion Pública. Cambio constante de publicaciones chilenas i peruanas, entre la Universidad de Chile i la de San Marcos de LimaPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1863, in volume 23, pages 568-598Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
Ensayo sobre la JeolojíaPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1869, in volume 32, pages 391-404Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
Descriptions of new forms of Chinese birds: — Alauda gulgula pescadoresi, Suthora gularis pallida, Heteroxenicua joannæ, Phylloscopus proregulus yunnanensis, Acanthopneuste trochiloides claudiæ, and A. t. disturbansPublished in Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, in 1922, in volume 43, pages 20-23Created: 2015-11-10, modified: 2015-11-10
Derecho Civil. De las semejanzas i diferencias entre el usufructo i la propiedad fiduciaria. Memoria de prueba para obtener el grado de licenciado en la Facultad de leyes i ciencias políticasPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1871, in volume 39, pages 211-219Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
Naucoridae (Heteroptera) of New Guinea. 5. A Review of Tanycricos La Rivers in Irian Jaya, with Descriptions of Two New SpeciesPublished in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1999, in volume 107, issue 2/3, pages 171-180Created: 2016-06-14, modified: 2016-06-14
La larva de Telmatobius bolivianus (Anura, Leptodactylidae)Published in Alytes, in 1993, in volume 11, issue 2, pages 37-46Created: 2024-05-01, modified: 2024-05-01
Literatura Latina. La importancia del estudio de la lengua i Literatura latina se desprender de su doble necesidad para la alta educacion intelectual i para la cumplida instruccion de la juventud en muchos ramos del saberPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1863, in volume 22, pages 618-646Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
Hidrografía. Trabajos hidrográficos de la Marina chilena. i catalogo de los planos i cartas hidrográficas i topográficas que sobre esta materia existen en el Ministerio del ramoPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1863, in volume 22, pages 609-617Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
Meteorolojía. Nueva determinacion de la temperatura media anual de Santiago i Valparaiso i observaciones meteorolójicas hechas en el Observatorio de Santiago de Chile i Faro de ValparaisoPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1865, in volume 26, pages 121-169Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
Medicina. De la manera de aprender i enseñar la Medicina, en sus relaciones con el progreso de la ciencia i con las ventajas que pueden reportar a nuestra patriaPublished in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1863, in volume 22, pages 437-457Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07
Distribution of Unionidae in the three Rivers, Mahoning, Cuyahoga, and TuscarawasPublished in Nautilis, in 1890, in volume 4, pages 20-22Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
A comparison of the Unionidae of the Pearl and Sabine RiversPublished in Nautilis, in 1911, in volume 24, pages 134-136Created: 2013-09-28, modified: 2013-09-28
A new species of cichlid fishes of rivers Quanza and Bengo, Angola, with a list of the known Cichlidae of these rivers and a note on Pseudocrenilabrus natalensis FowlerPublished in Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool., in 1973, in volume 25, issue 1, pages 27-37Created: 2010-07-06, modified: 2011-10-03
Micromycètes saprophytes de La Maboké : I. Phialophora Richardsiæ (Nannf.) ConantPublished in Cahiers de la Maboké, in 1966, in volume 4, issue 2, pages 110-113Created: 2020-05-25, modified: 2020-05-25
El sistema monetario i la Organización Bancaria de Chile (Continuación)Published in Anales de la Universidad de Chile, in 1920, in volume 146, pages 471-598Created: 2017-06-07, modified: 2017-06-07