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GISEKIA PHARNACIOIDES, A NEW WEEDPublished in Rhodora, in 1961, in volume 63, issue 752, pages 226-228Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
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RAPD analysis : An Efficient Method of DNA Fingerprinting in FishesPublished in Zoological Science, in 1993, in volume 10, pages 849-854Created: 2012-09-19, modified: 2012-09-19
Vegetation of Pachpadra Salt Basin in Western RajasthanPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1973, in volume 70, issue 1, pages 104-127Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
HAZARDS TO RAPTORS FROM STRYCHNINE POISONED GROUND SQUIRRELSPublished in Journal of Raptor Research, in 1989, in volume 23, issue 4, pages 147-151Created: 2017-04-07, modified: 2017-04-07
Status of the Burrowing Owl in North DakotaPublished in Journal of Raptor Research, in 2001, in volume 35, issue 4, pages 322-330Created: 2017-04-07, modified: 2017-04-07