MONITORING STUDIES OF THE BENTHIC ECOLOGY OF WAITEMATA HARBOUR, NEW ZEALANDPublished in Records of The Auckland Museum, in 1999, in volume 36, pages 95-117Created: 2023-09-24, modified: 2023-09-24
Curious Food for the Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon)Published in The Auk, in 1885, in volume 2, pages 311Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Hayward on BembidiumPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1897, in volume 8, issue 256, pages 107-108Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Roland HaywardPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1906, in volume 13, issue 4, pages 101-103Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Vasco M. TannerPublished in Great Basin Naturalist, in 1970, in volume 30, pages 181-189Created: 2009-12-23, modified: 2023-02-16
LICHENS OF LITTLE BARRIER ISLAND (HAUTURU), NORTHERN NEW ZEALANDPublished in Records of The Auckland Institute And Museum, in 1991, in volume 28, pages 185-199Created: 2023-09-17, modified: 2023-09-17
MARINE BIOTA OF PARENGARENGA HARBOUR, NORTHLAND, NEW ZEALANDPublished in Records of The Auckland Museum, in 2001, in volume 37, pages 45-80Created: 2023-09-24, modified: 2023-09-24
Argentine notes. I. PapilionidaePublished in Entomologist's Record London, in 1937, in volume 49, pages 77-80Created: 2016-09-01, modified: 2016-09-01
Miscellaneous notes from ArgentinaPublished in Entomologist's Record London, in 1925, in volume 37, pages 151-154Created: 2016-09-01, modified: 2016-09-01
Ninfalidos Argentinos, notas adicionalesPublished in An Soc Cient Argentina, in 1940, in volume 129, pages 43-47Created: 2016-02-12, modified: 2016-02-12
Miscellaneous notes from Argentina. XPublished in Entomologist's Record London, in 1928, in volume 40, pages 54-55Created: 2016-09-01, modified: 2016-09-01
GEOLOGY OF THE THREE KINGS ISLANDS, NORTHERN NEW ZEALANDPublished in Records of The Auckland Institute And Museum, in 1987, in volume 24, pages 215-232Created: 2023-08-13, modified: 2023-08-13
FORAMINIFERAL ASSOCIATIONS AROUND NORTHERN GREAT BARRIER ISLAND, NEW ZEALANDPublished in Records of The Auckland Institute And Museum, in 1994, in volume 31, pages 231-273Created: 2023-09-17, modified: 2023-09-17
Hesperioidea Argentina, XIIPublished in Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, in 1940, in volume 130, pages 70-94Created: 2016-02-13, modified: 2016-02-13
Random notes on Argentine collecting. 3Published in Entomologist's Record London, in 1937, in volume 49, pages 5-8Created: 2016-09-01, modified: 2016-09-01
Obituary — Norman W GardnerPublished in Poirieria, in 2009, in volume 34, pages 2-4Created: 2020-03-24, modified: 2020-03-24
An Abnormal Specimen of Bembidium ScudderiPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1904, in volume 11, issue 1, pages 14Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
The Katydid's Call in Relation to TemperaturePublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1901, in volume 9, issue 299, pages 179Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
C[HARLES] LYNN HAYWARDPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1999, in volume 59, issue 2, pages 201-203Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
Nuevas especies de Hesperidos brasileñosPublished in Papéis avulsos do Departamento de Zoologia, in 1942, in volume 2, issue 13, pages 171-177Created: 2016-01-18, modified: 2024-11-27
NOTES ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF NIGHTHAWKS IN UTAHPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1940, in volume 1, pages 93-96Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
Los Pamphilinae argentinos, Adiciones y anotaciones (Lep. Grypocera)Published in Anales Soc Cient Argentina, in 1935, in volume 119, issue 6, pages 262-266Created: 2016-02-12, modified: 2016-02-12
The Pine Siskin Breeding in IowaPublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1914, in volume 26, issue 3, pages 140-146Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2016-11-27
Description of the larva of Mallocephala deserticola, Berg (Arctiidae)Published in Entomologist's Record London, in 1937, in volume 49, pages 82-83Created: 2016-09-01, modified: 2016-09-01
A Note on the Secondary Sexual Characters of OmophronPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1902, in volume 9, issue 310, pages 304Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Los Pyrginae argen-tinos. Adiciones y anotaciones (Lep. Grypocera)Published in Anales Soc Cient Argentina, in 1935, in volume 119, issue 6, pages 256-261Created: 2016-02-12, modified: 2016-02-12
Defensive Behavior of Honey Bees Toward AntsPublished in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1970, in volume 77, issue 2, pages 184-189Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
JOHN HUTCHINGS AND ROBERT G. BEE — PIONEER UTAH VALLEY NATURALISTSPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1942, in volume 3, pages 86-90Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
Forest management and conservation of Boreal Owls in North AmericaPublished in Journal of Raptor Research, in 1997, in volume 31, issue 2, pages 114-124Created: 2017-04-07, modified: 2017-04-07
WOODY VEGETATION AND SUCCESSION IN THE GARIN WOODS, HAYWARD HILLS, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIAPublished in Madroño, in 1995, in volume 42, issue 4, pages 470-489Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-07-07
A Study of the Species of Tachys of Boreal AmericaPublished in Transactions of The American Entomological Society, in 1899, in volume 26, pages 191-238Created: 2013-04-05, modified: 2013-04-05
On the Species of Bembidium of America North of MexicoPublished in Transactions of The American Entomological Society, in 1897, in volume 24, pages 32-143Created: 2013-04-05, modified: 2013-04-05
THREE NEW MAMMALS (MICROTUS AND OCHOTONA) FROM UTAHPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1941, in volume 2, pages 105-108Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
Preliminary Hand-Book of the Coleoptera of Northeastern America (Continued)Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1897, in volume 5, pages 133-149Created: 2010-01-13, modified: 2021-04-05
QUANTITATIVE ASPECTS OF BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE THERMOGENESIS DURING AROUSAL FROM HIBERNATIONPublished in Biol Bull, in 1966, in volume 131, pages 94-103Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2011-06-21
Barred Owl range expansion into the central Idaho wildernessPublished in Journal of Raptor Research, in 1998, in volume 32, issue 2, pages 77-81Created: 2017-04-07, modified: 2017-04-07
Two Types of Sound Production in Eupsophulus castaneus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)Published in The Coleopterists Bulletin, in 1979, in volume 33, issue 2, pages 239-243Created: 2023-11-06, modified: 2023-11-06
BETALIGHTS AN AID IN THE NOCTURNAL STUDY OF OWL FORAGING HABITAT AND BEHAVIORPublished in Journal of Raptor Research, in 1987, in volume 21, issue 3, pages 98-102Created: 2017-04-07, modified: 2017-04-07
A Study of the Winter Bird Life in Bear Lake and Utah Lake ValleysPublished in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1935, in volume 47, issue 4, pages 278-284Created: 2016-12-04, modified: 2016-12-04
Notes on the family Lekythoporidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata)Published in Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, in 1983, in volume 45, issue 2, pages 55-76Created: 2009-12-21, modified: 2011-06-21
A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF UTAH MAMMALOGY; INCLUDING REFERENCES TO NAMES AND TYPE LOCALITIES (FIRST SUPPLEMENT)Published in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1941, in volume 2, pages 125-136Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
NEW AND UNUSUAL RECORDS OF BIRDS FROM THE UINTA BASIN, UTAHPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1958, in volume 18, pages 23-25Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON THE THREE KINGS ISLANDS, NORTHERN NEW ZEALANDPublished in Records of The Auckland Institute And Museum, in 1987, in volume 24, pages 147-161Created: 2023-08-13, modified: 2023-08-13
LICHENS FROM THE THREE KINGS ISLANDS, NORTHERN NEW ZEALANDPublished in Records of The Auckland Institute And Museum, in 1987, in volume 24, pages 197-213Created: 2023-08-13, modified: 2023-08-13
Hesperiidae (Lep.) capturados em Porto Cabral durante uma excursão à margem paulista do rio ParanáPublished in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, in 1945, in volume 5, issue 21, pages 197-202Created: 2024-11-27, modified: 2024-11-27
The South African Museum's Meiring Naude Cruises. Part 13. Bryozoa 2Published in Annals of The South African Museum, in 1983, in volume 91, pages 1-161Created: 2012-10-29, modified: 2012-10-29
DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION OF THE UTAH POULATION OF THE GREAT BASIN POCKET MOUSEPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1958, in volume 18, pages 26-30Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
BIRDS OF UTAHPublished in Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs, in 1976, in volume 1, pages 1-229Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
OLIGOCENE PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEOECOLOGY OF WAITETE BAY, NORTHERN COROMANDEL PENINSULAPublished in Records of The Auckland Institute And Museum, in 1993, in volume 30, pages 13-26Created: 2023-09-17, modified: 2023-09-17
Hesperiidae (Lep.) capturados em Pôrto Cabral durante uma segunda excursão à margem paulista do rio ParanáPublished in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, in 1946, in volume 7, issue 10, pages 129-142Created: 2024-11-27, modified: 2024-11-27