Plecoptera Records From West virginiaPublished in Entomological News, in 1978, in volume 89, pages 206Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
List Of The Stoneflies (Plecoptera) Of West virginiaPublished in Entomological News, in 1980, in volume 91, pages 49-53Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2021-04-05
New Species Of Baetisca From West Virginia (Ephemeroptera Baetiscidae)Published in Entomological News, in 1978, in volume 89, pages 209-213Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
A Reclarification Of The Males Of Alloperla concolor And A-Neglecta SpeciesPublished in Entomological News, in 1993, in volume 104, pages 73-78Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2021-04-05
A new Diploperla from West Virginia (Plecoptera: Perlodidae)Published in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1984, in volume 86, pages 648-652Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
The Nymph Of Hansonoperla appalachia Nelson (Plecoptera, Perlidae)Published in Proceedings of The Entomological Society of Washington, in 1985, in volume 87, pages 593-596Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
A new species of nearctic Perlesta (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from VirginiaPublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1997, in volume 99, pages 290-293Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Perlesta etnieri (Plecoptera: Perlidae), a new species of stonefly from TennesseePublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 2002, in volume 104, pages 51-55Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
The Tennessee Type Locality Of Allocapnia Perplexa And A New Kentucky Location For Allocapnia Cunninghami (Plecoptera : Capniidae)Published in Entomological News, in 2002, in volume 113, pages 332-335Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Two new species of Perlesta banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from eastern North AmericaPublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 2003, in volume 105, pages 933-939Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
New Nearctic Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera)Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1991, in volume 99, issue 2, pages 199-203Created: 2016-06-13, modified: 2016-06-13
A new species of Nemouridae (Plecoptera) from the great dismal swamp, Virginia, USAPublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1984, in volume 86, pages 578-581Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Additions, taxonomic corrections, and faunal affinities of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia, USAPublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1987, in volume 89, pages 24-30Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Two new species of Haploperla navás (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) from North Carolina, U.S.APublished in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 2005, in volume 107, pages 859-863Created: 2010-11-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Description Of Male Ostrocerca Ricker (Plecoptera, Nemouridae) Using The Scanning Electron microscopePublished in Proceedings of The Entomological Society of Washington, in 1989, in volume 91, pages 257-268Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
A new Allocapnia from Virginia (Plecoptera: Capniidae)Published in Entomological News, in 1980, in volume 91, pages 19-21Created: 2011-06-03, modified: 2021-04-05
A New Species of Acroneuria from Virginia (Plecoptera: Perlidae)Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1993, in volume 101, issue 4, pages 550-554Created: 2017-01-10, modified: 2017-01-10
The National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update of wetland ratingsPublished in Phytoneuron, in 2014, in volume 2014-41, pages 1-42Created: 2016-04-29, modified: 2016-04-29
A new Allocapnia from West Virginia (Plecoptera: Capniidae)Published in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1982, in volume 84, pages 786-790Created: 2011-06-02, modified: 2011-06-21
A new stonefly from West Virginia (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae)Published in Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, in 1978, in volume 80, pages 403-406Created: 2011-06-02, modified: 2011-06-21
Ecological Life History of Baetisca Berneri Tarter and Kirchner From a West Virginia Stream (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae)Published in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1980, in volume 87, issue 1-2, pages 39-47Created: 2019-03-05, modified: 2019-03-05
Über die Körpergröße der Gebirgs- und Flachlandpopulationen einiger Laufkäfer (Carabidae)Published in Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, in 1958, in volume 9, pages 294-302Created: 2014-05-17, modified: 2014-05-17
Ein kurzer Abriß der Mikroflora von Steinheim am AlbuchPublished in Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie, in 1987, in volume 27, pages 105-121Created: 2017-02-01, modified: 2017-02-01
EDITORIALPublished in Madroño, in 1986, in volume 33, issue 1, pages 83Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-07-07
OCTOPODID PARALARVAE FROM HAWAIIAN WATERSPublished in Veliger, in 1989, in volume 32, pages 152-165Created: 2013-10-23, modified: 2013-10-23
Notes on the Bird‐Life of Eastern AlgeriaPublished in Ibis, in 1915, in volume 3, issue 1, pages 133-169Created: 2024-03-18, modified: 2024-03-18
XIII.— Field Notes on the Birds of Lower EgyptPublished in Ibis, in 1921, in volume 3, issue 2, pages 238-264Created: 2024-03-14, modified: 2024-03-14
Subspecies and varietyPublished in Rhodora, in 1942, in volume 44, pages 153-157Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
PHYLOGENY AND PHYTOGEOGRAPHYPublished in Rhodora, in 1989, in volume 91, issue 865, pages 10-24Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
Official plant namesPublished in Rhodora, in 1950, in volume 52, issue 613, pages 1-7Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
SAMUEL J. RECORDPublished in Rodriguésia, in 1945, in volume 9, issue 19, pages 1-7Created: 2016-05-25, modified: 2016-05-25
PLANTAE NOVAE AFRICANAE. SERIES XXPublished in JOURNAL OF SOUTH AFRICAN BOTANY, in 1943, in volume 9, pages 145-160Created: 2024-06-05, modified: 2024-06-05
Typification of Euphorbia maculataPublished in Rhodora, in 1953, in volume 55, issue 655, pages 241-243Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
CANAIS SECRETORES DO MARUPÁPublished in Rodriguésia, in 1946, in volume 10, issue 20, pages 13-40Created: 2016-05-25, modified: 2016-05-25
BOOK REVIEWPublished in Rhodora, in 1982, in volume 84, issue 839, pages 451Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
An American PapaverPublished in Botanical Gazette, in 1887, in volume 12, issue 3, pages 67Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
OregonPublished in Madroño, in 2005, in volume 52, pages 273-274Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-02-15
Beitrag zur Cicadelliden-Fauna von PeruPublished in Stuttgarter Beiträge Naturkunde, in 1961, in volume 67, pages 1-14Created: 2017-08-18, modified: 2017-08-18
Nomenclatural notes on Callistemon R. Br. (Myrtaceae)Published in Muelleria, in 1988, in volume 6, issue 6, pages 411-415Created: 2016-03-07, modified: 2023-02-16
A buttressed Elm from OntarioPublished in Rhodora, in 1963, in volume 65, issue 764, pages 366Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
Atoll Vegetation and SalinityPublished in Pacific Science, in 1949, in volume 3, issue 1, pages 89-92Created: 2017-09-10, modified: 2017-09-10
THE GENUS TRUKIA KANEHIRA RUBIACEAEPublished in Phytologia, in 1987, in volume 62, issue 3, pages 171-176Created: 2016-05-06, modified: 2016-05-06
Systematic notes on Micronesian plantsPublished in Phytologia, in 1955, in volume 5, pages 289-292Created: 2011-01-26, modified: 2023-02-16
Analyses bibliographiquesPublished in Cryptogamie. Mycologie, in 1981, in volume 2, issue 1, pages 101-104Created: 2023-04-23, modified: 2023-04-23
CLASSIFICATION, SPORES, AND NOMENCLATURE OF THE MARSH FERNPublished in Rhodora, in 1980, in volume 82, issue 831, pages 461-474Created: 2014-06-16, modified: 2016-07-26
On the Birds collected by Mr. A. F. R. Wollaston during the First Mt. Everest ExpeditionPublished in Ibis, in 1922, in volume 4, issue 3, pages 495-526Created: 2024-03-14, modified: 2024-03-14
PLANTAE NOVAE AFRICANAE. SERIES XIXPublished in JOURNAL OF SOUTH AFRICAN BOTANY, in 1943, in volume 9, pages 109-136Created: 2024-06-05, modified: 2024-06-05
The Nymph Of Utaperla sopladora Plecoptera CholoroperlidaePublished in Entomological News, in 1975, in volume 86, pages 102-106Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Fossil carnivora from HopefieldPublished in Annals of The South African Museum, in 1956, in volume 42, pages 335-347Created: 2012-12-02, modified: 2012-12-02
TRANSFERS IN FLORIDA USA ORCHIDSPublished in Phytologia, in 1984, in volume 56, issue 4, pages 308Created: 2016-05-06, modified: 2016-05-06