On the Occurrence of Colymbus adamsi in NorwayPublished in Ibis, in 1894, in volume 6, issue 2, pages 269-283Created: 2024-06-20, modified: 2024-06-20
A few Notes on the Whale Balaena glacialis and its Capture in Recent Years in the North Atlantic by Norwegian WhalersPublished in Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London, in 1909, in volume 1909, pages 91-103Created: 2012-10-01, modified: 2012-10-01
On a new Pseudochirus from N. W. AustraliaPublished in Zoologischer Anzeiger, in 1895, in volume 18, pages 464-468Created: 2010-01-05, modified: 2021-04-05
Collett and Nansen's Birds of the Norwegian North Polar ExpeditionPublished in The Auk, in 1900, in volume 17, pages 308-310Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
On some fishes from the sea off the AzoresPublished in Zoologischer Anzeiger, in 1905, in volume 28, pages 723-730Created: 2011-05-25, modified: 2021-04-05
On a collection of mammals from central and northern QueenslandPublished in Zoologische Jahrbücher, in 1887, in volume 2, pages 829-940Created: 2011-01-10, modified: 2011-06-21
On a Hybrid Thrush found in Norway (Turdus iliacus × Turdus pilaris)Published in Ibis, in 1898, in volume 4, issue 3, pages 317-319Created: 2024-04-08, modified: 2024-04-08
On some apparently new marsupials from QueenslandPublished in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, in 1884, in volume 1884, pages 381-389Created: 2010-11-22, modified: 2011-06-21
Collett on the Skull and Auricular Openings in North European OwlsPublished in The Auk, in 1901, in volume 18, pages 207-208Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Professor Robert Collett on Pterycomhus brama FriesPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1912, in volume 25, pages 39-50Created: 2011-07-31, modified: 2021-04-05
On a pediculate fish from the sea off MadeiraPublished in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, in 1886, in volume 1886, pages 138-143Created: 2010-11-22, modified: 2011-06-21
Briefliche Notiz aus NorwegenPublished in Journal für Ornithologie, in 1874, in volume 22, pages 455-456Created: 2014-09-04, modified: 2014-09-04
On Lanius excubitor and Lanius majorPublished in Ibis, in 1886, in volume 4, issue 1, pages 30-40Created: 2024-06-26, modified: 2024-06-26
Further Notes on Phylloscopus borealis in NorwayPublished in Ibis, in 1886, in volume 4, issue 3, pages 217-223Created: 2024-06-26, modified: 2024-06-26
On some pigeons and parrots from north and north-west AustraliaPublished in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, in 1898, in volume 1898, pages 353-357Created: 2010-11-22, modified: 2011-06-21
On a collection of mammals from north and north-west AustraliaPublished in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, in 1897, in volume 1897, pages 317-336Created: 2010-11-22, modified: 2011-06-21
Prof. Steere's Expedition to the PhilippinesPublished in Nature, in 1876, in volume 14, pages 297-298Created: 2015-04-22, modified: 2015-04-22
RESISTANCE OF CILIA TO CYTOLYTIC AGENTSPublished in Biol Bull, in 1919, in volume 36, pages 423-428Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2011-06-21
Description of a ring-tailed opossum, regarded as a variety of Pseudochirus herbertensis, CollettPublished in Records of the Australian Museum, in 1899, in volume 3, pages 91-93Created: 2010-10-22, modified: 2017-01-06
On a Breeding‐colony of Larus eburneus on SpitsbergenPublished in Ibis, in 1888, in volume 6, issue 4, pages 440-443Created: 2024-06-25, modified: 2024-06-25
Tringa temminckii undminuta und deren Brüten in NorwegenPublished in Journal für Ornithologie, in 1881, in volume 29, pages 323-332Created: 2014-09-04, modified: 2014-09-04
New Blattidae from New-Guinea. Collected by Prof. Dr. SchultzePublished in Entomologische Rundschau, in 1912, in volume 29, pages 51-52Created: 2022-09-22, modified: 2022-09-22
XII.—On a new Motella from NorwayPublished in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1875, in volume 15, pages 82-83Created: 2011-09-28, modified: 2011-09-28
On Myodes lemmus in NorwayPublished in Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, in 1877, in volume 13, issue 69, pages 327-334Created: 2024-03-07, modified: 2024-03-07
Obituary. Prof. R.M. NaikPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1992, in volume 89, issue 2, pages 244Created: 2015-10-25, modified: 2015-10-25
3. On Echidna acanthion from Northern QueenslandPublished in Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London, in 1885, in volume 1885, pages 148-161Created: 2012-10-01, modified: 2012-10-01
Ueber einige Vogel-Milben nach Prof. Filippe de Filippi in TurinPublished in Journal für Ornithologie, in 1862, in volume 10, pages 69-72Created: 2014-09-04, modified: 2014-09-04
On Prof. Lindström's Remarks on Prof. Martin Duncan's CriticismsPublished in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1884, in volume 13, pages 416Created: 2011-09-29, modified: 2011-09-29
On Latrunculus and Crystallogobius, two remarkable Forms of Gobioid FishesPublished in Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London, in 1878, in volume 1878, pages 318-339Created: 2012-10-01, modified: 2012-10-01
The present salinity position in the River Murray BasinPublished in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1978, in volume 90, issue 1, pages 111-123Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Beitrag zur Bionenfauna der Kleinen Antillen und der Bermudas. Ergebnisse der Forschungareise der Herren Prof. W. Kukenthal und Dr. Hartmeyer nach Westindien und des Herrn Prof. R. Heymons nach den BermudasPublished in Zoologische Jahrbuecher Jena Supplement, in 1908, in volume 11, pages 33-40Created: 2012-08-20, modified: 2012-08-20
Schreiben des Hrn. Prof. Magnus an Prof. SchrötterPublished in Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, in 1854, in volume 13, pages 345-347Created: 2017-04-24, modified: 2017-04-24
On the identity of the genus Leurynnis, Lockington, with Lycodopsis, CollettPublished in Proceedings of the United States National Museum, in 1880, in volume 3, pages 247-248Created: 2010-01-14, modified: 2017-01-06
4. On a new Fish of the Genus Lycodes from the PacificPublished in Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London, in 1879, in volume 1879, pages 381-382Created: 2012-10-01, modified: 2012-10-01
Ixodoidea del Fezzan edella Somalia Italiana raccolti dal Prof. E. Zavattari e dal Prof. C. TedeschiPublished in Atti Della Societa Italiana Milano, in 1935, in volume 74, pages 239-252Created: 2021-10-23, modified: 2021-10-23
Verzeichniss der vom verstorbenen Prof. Dr. R. Buchholz in West-Africa-beim Meerbusen von Guinea-gesammelten Hesperien,Published in Entomologische Zeitung Stettin, in 1879, in volume 40, pages 353-364Created: 2016-11-22, modified: 2016-11-22
In memoriam Prof. S.G. KiriakoffPublished in Nota Lepidopterologica, in 1985, in volume 8, pages 29-41Created: 2013-02-03, modified: 2013-02-03
Nekrolog: Prof. Dr. Ludwig GlaserPublished in Entomologische Nachrichten, in 1898, in volume 24, pages 217-223Created: 2017-06-15, modified: 2017-06-15
Emitteri raccolti dal Prof. G. Scortecci nel Fezzan (Missione della R. Sooieta geografica)Published in Atti Della Societa Italiana Di Scienze Naturali Milano, in 1936, in volume 75, pages 300-306Created: 2021-10-23, modified: 2021-10-23
Aracnidi Fezzanesi raccolti dal Prof. G. Scortecci nel 1934-XII. (Missione della R. Societa Geografica.)Published in Atti Della Societa Italiana Milano, in 1936, in volume 75, issue 1-2, pages 67-94Created: 2021-10-23, modified: 2021-10-23
On Halichœrus grupus and its Breeding on the Fro Islands off Throndhjems-fjord in NorwayPublished in Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London, in 1881, in volume 1881, pages 380-387Created: 2012-10-01, modified: 2012-10-01
Gobius orca Collett, 1874 (Pisces): proposed use of the plenary powers to set aside a first reviser selectionPublished in Bull. Zool. Nom., in 1964, in volume 21, pages 388-391Created: 2009-12-23, modified: 2023-05-10
Geology.By Prof. John Morris, F.G.S, &c., and Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F.G.S., &c. First series. 12mo. London: Van Voorst, 1870Published in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1871, in volume 7, pages 168-169Created: 2011-09-28, modified: 2011-09-28
Prof. E. Hackel, on the Citation of AuthorsPublished in Botanical Gazette, in 1888, in volume 13, issue 9, pages 243-244Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
Necrolog Prof. Dr. F. A. NickerlPublished in Entomologische Zeitung Stettin, in 1871, in volume 32, pages 318-320Created: 2016-11-22, modified: 2016-11-22
Coleotteri rac-colti dal Prof. G. Scortecci nel Fezzan (Missione R. Societa Geografica 1934)Published in Atti Della Societa Italiana Di Scienze Naturali Milano, in 1937, in volume 76, pages 17-54Created: 2021-10-23, modified: 2021-10-23
Die von Prof. Dr. R. Buchholz in Westafrika gesammelten Land- und Süsswasser- MolluskenPublished in Monatsberichte der königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, in 1876, in volume 1876, pages 253-274Created: 2016-05-09, modified: 2020-05-11
Tijdschrift voor Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie; edited by Prof. J. Van der Hoeven and Prof. W. H. de Vriese, Leiden, 1837Published in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1839, in volume 2, pages 368-369Created: 2011-09-30, modified: 2011-09-30
Imenotteri Aculeati raccolti dal Prof. G. Scortecci nei Fezzan. (Missione della R. Societa geografica)Published in Atti Della Societa Italiana Di Scienze Naturali Milano, in 1935, in volume 74, pages 232-238Created: 2021-10-23, modified: 2021-10-23
Prof. Owen's Lectures on PalæontologyPublished in Annals And Magazine of Natural History, in 1858, in volume 1, pages 388-397Created: 2011-09-27, modified: 2011-09-27