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Studien über Polycladen
Published in Zoologiska bidrag från Uppsala, in 1913, in volume 2, pages 31-343
Created: 2012-12-03, modified: 2012-12-03
Polycladen aus Juan Fernandez
Published in The Natural history of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island, in 1924, in volume 3, pages 341-372
Created: 2012-12-05, modified: 2012-12-05
A Bird Wave
Published in The Auk, in 1889, in volume 6, pages 241-243
Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Published in Madroño, in 1945, in volume 8, issue 1, pages 27-29
Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-07-07
The Valid Name for the Grey Wagtail
Published in Bulletin of The British Ornithologists' Club, in 2008, in volume 128, issue 2, pages 132-133
Created: 2015-08-11, modified: 2015-08-11