Published in Palaeontology, in 1965, in volume 8, issue 1, pages 39-40
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Palaeontology, in 1964, in volume 7, issue 1, pages 37-59
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1947, in volume 72, pages 207-214
Created: 2011-05-31, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, in 1923, in volume 35, pages 153-158
Created: 2017-10-18, modified: 2017-10-18
Published in Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1946, in volume 71, pages 49-63
Created: 2011-05-31, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Palaeontology, in 1961, in volume 3, issue 4, pages 485-486
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1964, in volume 77, issue 2, pages 521-524
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1960, in volume 72, issue 1, pages 1-11
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, in 1953, in volume 18, pages 107-123
Created: 2018-02-20, modified: 2018-02-20
Published in Palaeontology, in 1960, in volume 2, issue 2, pages 243-261
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Palaeontology, in 1961, in volume 4, issue 3, pages 425-427
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, in 1936, in volume 1936, pages 73-77
Created: 2025-03-17, modified: 2025-03-17
Published in Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 1947, in volume 72, pages 183-197
Created: 2011-05-31, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, in 1962, in volume 45, pages 97-99
Created: 2017-05-29, modified: 2017-05-29
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1959, in volume 71, issue 1, pages 25-30
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1921, in volume 33, pages 32-38
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1937, in volume 50, issue 1, pages 182-189
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1947, in volume 58, issue 1/2, pages 1-2
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1954, in volume 66, pages 119-128
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Journal Royal Society of Western Australia, in 1969, in volume 52, issue 1, pages 3-8
Created: 2014-11-03, modified: 2014-11-03
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1926, in volume 38, pages 65-68
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1962, in volume 75, issue 2, pages 269-273
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1965, in volume 78, issue 1, pages 85-93
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1965, in volume 79, issue 1, pages 119-146
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1967, in volume 80, issue 2, pages 247-257
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1958, in volume 70, issue 1, pages 19-79
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1929, in volume 42, issue 1, pages 5-26
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Journal of The Royal Society of Western Australia, in 1961, in volume 44, issue 2, pages 39-47
Created: 2020-06-15, modified: 2020-06-15
Published in Journal Royal Society of Western Australia, in 1968, in volume 51, pages 110-122
Created: 2014-11-03, modified: 2014-11-03
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1971, in volume 84, issue 2, pages 217-226
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1945, in volume 56, issue 2, pages 119-122
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1961, in volume 74, issue 1, pages 69-76
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1970, in volume 83, issue 2, pages 137-157
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Memoirs of Museum Victoria, in 1991, in volume 52, pages 137-262
Created: 2012-05-31, modified: 2013-03-17
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1958, in volume 70, issue 2, pages 95-128
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, in 1949, in volume 16, pages 117-131
Created: 2018-02-20, modified: 2018-02-20
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1967, in volume 80, issue 1, pages 131-140
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1957, in volume 69, pages 41-53
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1957, in volume 69, pages 5-13
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Sarawak Museum journal, in 1912, in volume 1, issue 2, pages 123
Created: 2020-03-14, modified: 2020-03-14
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1926, in volume 38, pages 69-76
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1965, in volume 78, issue 2, pages 137-141
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania, in 1870, in volume 1870, pages 279-280
Created: 2012-03-21, modified: 2012-03-21
Published in Proceedings of The Royal Society of Victoria, in 1937, in volume 49, issue 2, pages 235-243
Created: 2020-07-02, modified: 2020-07-02
Published in Australian entomological magazine, in 1980, in volume 7, issue 1, pages 4-10
Created: 2021-12-26, modified: 2022-05-09
Published in Discovery Reports, in 1931, in volume 2, pages 371-402
Created: 2011-12-29, modified: 2011-12-29
Published in Rhodora, in 1946, in volume 48, issue 576, pages 412-414
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, in 1944, in volume 34, pages 216-254
Created: 2016-09-15, modified: 2016-09-15
Published in Botanical Gazette, in 1899, in volume 28, issue 6, pages 405-417
Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
Published in Bulletin of the United States National Museum, in 1882, in volume 16, pages 1-1018
Created: 2011-01-10, modified: 2011-06-21