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Preparation of radulae
Published in Veliger, in 1960, in volume 3, pages 52-53
Created: 2013-08-11, modified: 2013-08-11
Notes on African Cossidae
Published in Veroeffentlichungen Der Zoologischen Staatssammlung Muenchen, in 1959, in volume 6, pages 1-28
Created: 2012-10-27, modified: 2024-11-22
The Butterflies of Liberia
Published in Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, in 1965, in volume 19, pages 1-438
Created: 2014-12-17, modified: 2014-12-17
Published in Madroño, in 1938, in volume 4, issue 6, pages 187-188
Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-07-07