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Studies on Indian Filistatid Spiders (Araneae: Arachnida)Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1978, in volume 75, issue 1, pages 183-189Created: 2015-08-25, modified: 2015-08-25
Host Plants, Distribution and Abundance of Thrips (Thysanoptera) of Bombay StatePublished in Jour Bombay Nat Hist Soc, in 1953, in volume 51, issue 3, pages 597-607Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Argemone ochroleuca (Papaveraceae) naturalized in Dahod District, Gujarat, IndiaPublished in Phytoneuron, in 2013, in volume 2013-52, pages 1-5Created: 2016-04-29, modified: 2016-04-29
Pollen Characters in Relation to the Delimitation of MyrtalesPublished in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, in 1984, in volume 71, pages 858-969Created: 2010-01-08, modified: 2015-12-16
Redescription of Araneus fulvus Dyal (Araneae: Araneidae) from coastal Andhra PradeshPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1992, in volume 89, issue 1, pages 138-140Created: 2015-10-25, modified: 2015-10-25
THE MOULTING CYCLE IN BALANUS BALANOIDES LPublished in Biol Bull, in 1960, in volume 118, pages 31-47Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2024-01-12
TWO NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS THOMISUS WALCKENAER ARANEAE THOMISIDAE FROM COASTAL ANDHRA PRADESHPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1991, in volume 88, issue 2, pages 268-272Created: 2015-10-25, modified: 2015-10-25
On some rare spiders of the family Zodariidae (Araneae: Arachnida) from coastal Andhra Pradesh, IndiaPublished in Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, in 1989, in volume 86, issue 2, pages 221-225Created: 2015-10-25, modified: 2015-10-25
Coronastrum luntum a new Chlorococcal alga from IndiaPublished in Cryptogamie. Algologie, in 1990, in volume 11, issue 1, pages 9-12Created: 2021-02-17, modified: 2021-02-17
Caloglossa ogasawaraensis (Rhodophyta, Delesseriaceae), a fresh water Rhodophyceae new to IndiaPublished in Cryptogamie. Algologie, in 1990, in volume 11, issue 3, pages 225-228Created: 2021-02-17, modified: 2021-02-17
Occurrence of Melanagromyza obtusa on BhindiPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1973, in volume 70, issue 2, pages 406Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Record of Draparnaldia acuta from GujaratPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1972, in volume 69, issue 1, pages 237-238Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Ecballocystis ramosa f. minor Bourrelly et Couté, a rare green alga from IndiaPublished in Cryptogamie. Algologie, in 1990, in volume 11, issue 4, pages 305-308Created: 2021-02-17, modified: 2021-02-17
A New Species Of Rimicaris (Crustacea: Decapoda: Bresiliidae) From The Snake Pit Hydrothermal Vent Field On The Mid atlantic RidgePublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1997, in volume 110, pages 399-411Created: 2011-07-27, modified: 2011-07-27
Familial Position of the Cape Genus EmpleuridiumPublished in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, in 1985, in volume 72, pages 167-183Created: 2010-01-08, modified: 2015-12-16
A new Record of Alternate Host of ArmywormsPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1972, in volume 69, issue 1, pages 213-214Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
The Timing of Breeding Season and Inter Breeding Between the Color Phases in the Indian Reef Heron Egretta gularisPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1981, in volume 78, issue 3, pages 494-497Created: 2015-08-25, modified: 2015-08-25
Studies on the Life History of a Predatory Pentatomid Bug Andrallus spinidensPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1971, in volume 68, issue 2, pages 319-327Created: 2015-09-20, modified: 2015-09-20
8. Sight Records of the Little Gull Larus Minutus from GujaratPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1999, in volume 96, issue 1, pages 142Created: 2015-10-11, modified: 2015-10-11
On Two Interesting Marine Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) from Mandvi, KutchPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 2004, in volume 101, issue 1, pages 184-186Created: 2015-10-13, modified: 2015-10-13
Eocuma Petrescui, A New Species Of Bodotriid Cumacean (Crustacea : Peracarida) From MalaysiaPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 2003, in volume 116, pages 978-985Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
New Alternate Host Record of Leaf roller Marasmia trapezalis Lepidoptera PyralidaePublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1975, in volume 72, issue 1, pages 225Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
On the distribution, taxonomy, and natural history of the Indian Smooth Snake, Coronella brachyura (Günther, 1866)Published in Amphibian and reptile conservation, in 2015, in volume 9, issue 2, pages 120-125Created: 2016-06-02, modified: 2016-06-02
Selection of Suitable Census Method for the Indian Sarus Crane Grus Antigone AntigonePublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 2001, in volume 98, issue 2, pages 237-241Created: 2015-10-11, modified: 2015-10-11
Scolopendra hardwickei (Newport, 1844) feeding on Oligodon taeniolatus (Jerdon, 1853) in the scrub jungles of Pondicherry, southern IndiaPublished in Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, in 2010, in volume 107, issue 1, pages 69-70Created: 2019-12-02, modified: 2019-12-02
Sighting of the rusty spotted cat Felis rubiginosa (Geoffroy) in Shoolpaneshwar Sanctuary, GujaratPublished in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1991, in volume 88, issue 1, pages 107-108Created: 2015-10-25, modified: 2015-10-25
IntroductionPublished in Torreya, in 1943, in volume 43, issue 1, pages 2-3Created: 2022-12-12, modified: 2022-12-12
PatrogenesisPublished in Botanical Gazette, in 1916, in volume 62, issue 4, pages 331-332Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
ADDISON BROWNPublished in Torreya, in 1914, in volume 14, issue 1, pages 1-2Created: 2022-12-14, modified: 2022-12-14
A STRANGE FRUITPublished in Torreya, in 1921, in volume 21, issue 3, pages 47-50Created: 2022-12-14, modified: 2022-12-14
WILLIAM MARRIOTT CANBYPublished in Torreya, in 1904, in volume 4, issue 4, pages 52-56Created: 2022-12-15, modified: 2022-12-15
A New Crayfish (Decapoda, Cambaridae) From Southeastern TexasPublished in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1990, in volume 103, pages 608-613Created: 2011-06-10, modified: 2011-06-21
Zur Nomenklatur der PhasmoidenPublished in Treubia, in 1923, in volume 3, pages 230-242Created: 2017-10-12, modified: 2017-10-12
North Carolina NotesPublished in The Auk, in 1909, in volume 26, pages 436-437Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Beitrage zur malayischen ThysanopterenfaunaPublished in Treubia, in 1921, in volume 1, pages 277-291Created: 2013-12-31, modified: 2013-12-31
Beitrage zur malayischen OrthopterenfaunaPublished in Treubia, in 1921, in volume 1, pages 292-300Created: 2013-12-31, modified: 2013-12-31
Beitrage zur Malayischen ThysanopterenfaunaPublished in Treubia, in 1923, in volume 3, pages 277-380Created: 2013-12-31, modified: 2013-12-31
Polygonum exsertum in MassachusettsPublished in Rhodora, in 1905, in volume 7, issue 79, pages 140Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Carex Comosa, BoottPublished in Botanical Gazette, in 1879, in volume 4, issue 8, pages 192Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
George Francis AtkinsonPublished in Botanical Gazette, in 1919, in volume 67, issue 4, pages 366-368Created: 2017-03-14, modified: 2017-03-14
California MicrolepidopteraPublished in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, in 1927, in volume 3, pages 136-138Created: 2017-05-14, modified: 2017-05-14
Ocracoke Water Bird NotesPublished in The Auk, in 1912, in volume 29, pages 538Created: 2013-03-07, modified: 2013-03-08