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Fauna chilensis. Myriapoda
Published in Zoologische Jahrbücher. Supplementheft, in 1905, in volume 6, pages 715-772
Created: 2015-09-13, modified: 2015-09-13
18. Apterygogenea. 2. Thysanura
Published in Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der Schwedischen zoologischen expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, in 1910, in volume 3, pages 11-14
Created: 2022-10-08, modified: 2022-10-08
15. Corrodentia. 3. Embiidae
Published in Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der Schwedischen zoologischen expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, in 1910, in volume 3, pages 41-42
Created: 2022-10-08, modified: 2022-10-08
Neue Indo-australische Diplopoden
Published in Abhandlungen und Berichte des Königl. Zoologischen und Anthropologisch-Etnographischen Museums zu Dresden, in 1897, in volume 6, issue 9, pages 1-23
Created: 2016-05-10, modified: 2016-05-10
Nota preliminare sui Termitidi sud-americani
Published in Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della Reale Università di Torino, in 1901, in volume 16, issue 389, pages 1-8
Created: 2016-08-16, modified: 2016-08-16
Introducing Bryophytes
Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 2006, in volume 123, issue 4, pages 192-194
Created: 2017-10-12, modified: 2017-10-12
Published in Rhodora, in 1914, in volume 16, issue 189, pages 153-160
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Rhodora, in 1899, in volume 1, issue 11, pages 205-206
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Rhodora, in 1912, in volume 14, issue 166, pages 201-204
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Forgotten Flora Resource Kit
Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 2006, in volume 123, issue 2, pages 122-123
Created: 2017-10-12, modified: 2017-10-12
EUCLID Eucalypts of Australia
Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 2007, in volume 124, issue 6, pages 344-345
Created: 2017-10-12, modified: 2017-10-12
Weeds: A Brief Introduction
Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 2010, in volume 127, issue 4, pages 96-103
Created: 2017-10-12, modified: 2017-10-12
Frogs on the verandah
Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 2011, in volume 128, issue 6, pages 275-277
Created: 2017-10-12, modified: 2017-10-12
Rüsselkäfer aus Erythräa
Published in Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, in 1909, in volume 28, pages 233-239
Created: 2011-10-11, modified: 2011-10-11
Ein neuer Cupedide
Published in Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, in 1913, in volume 32, pages 235-237
Created: 2011-10-11, modified: 2011-10-11
Notas sobre Rubiaceae
Published in Phytologia, in 1981, in volume 48, issue 5, pages 420-425
Created: 2017-03-08, modified: 2017-03-08