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Published in Bulletin du Musée D'histoire Naturelle, in 1897, in volume 3, issue 4, pages 110-115
Created: 2021-12-13, modified: 2021-12-13
Sur un portrait de Poiteau
Published in Bulletin du Musée D'histoire Naturelle, in 1896, in volume 2, issue 3, pages 83-85
Created: 2021-12-13, modified: 2021-12-13
Note Sur Diverses Monstruosités
Published in Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France, in 1857, in volume 4, pages 450-452
Created: 2015-11-24, modified: 2015-11-24
Notice sur M. F.-R. Thollon
Published in Bulletin du Musée D'histoire Naturelle, in 1897, in volume 3, issue 4, pages 115-116
Created: 2021-12-13, modified: 2021-12-13
Published in Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, in 1889, in volume 6, issue 1, pages 17-30
Created: 2016-04-30, modified: 2016-04-30
The Earliest Bureau of Entomology
Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1939, in volume 47, issue 4, pages 307-310
Created: 2016-05-24, modified: 2016-05-24
Nachwort von Major Ed. Hering
Published in Entomologische Zeitung Stettin, in 1891, in volume 52, pages 116-128
Created: 2016-11-22, modified: 2016-11-22
Zur Erinnerung
Published in Journal für Ornithologie, in 1866, in volume 14, pages 130-143
Created: 2014-09-04, modified: 2014-09-04