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XXIV. Ofversigt af Sveriges SigalpherPublished in Opuscula Entomologica. Lund, in 1874, in volume 6, pages 553-588Created: 2011-06-04, modified: 2011-06-21
Sexual dimorphism in eye morphology in Eucheira socialis (Pieridae)Published in Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, in 2001, in volume 55, issue 2, pages 74-77Created: 2018-03-25, modified: 2018-03-25
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Evolution of the premaxillary in the primitive fossil actinopterygiansPublished in Geodiversitas, in 1997, in volume 19, issue 3, pages 557-565Created: 2018-05-21, modified: 2018-05-21
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2. Spherilloninae, 3. ArmadilloPublished in Revision of Crustacea isopoda terrestria, with additions and illustrations, in 1904, in volume 2, pages 33-144Created: 2017-08-17, modified: 2017-08-17
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Araucoscia Verhoeff, 1939 is a juniour synonym of Pseudophiloscia Budde-Lund, 1904 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)Published in Spixiana, in 2001, in volume 24, pages 231-233Created: 2010-10-21, modified: 2011-06-21
The Development of the Spermatophoric Mass of the Rock Lobster, Parribacus antarcticus (Lund)Published in Pacific Science, in 1954, in volume 8, issue 1, pages 28-34Created: 2017-09-10, modified: 2017-09-10
DIAMETER-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIPS FOR JUNIPER FROM WET AND DRY SITESPublished in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1982, in volume 42, pages 73-76Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
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Nova espécie de Trichorhina Budde-Lund, 1908 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Platyarthridae) do sul do BrasilPublished in Iheringia, Série Zoologia, in 1994, in volume 77, pages 129-134Created: 2011-07-05, modified: 2011-10-03
On the generic status of Palaeophichthys parvulus Eastman 1908 and Monongahela stenodonta Lund 1970 (Osteichthyes: Dipnoi)Published in Annals of the Carnegie Museum, in 1998, in volume 67, issue 3, pages 225-243Created: 2017-03-19, modified: 2017-03-19
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OPINION 1988 (Case 3135). Scyllarus Orientalis Lund, 1793 (Currently Thenus Orientalis; Crustacea, Decapoda): Neotype DesignatedPublished in Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, in 2002, in volume 59, issue 1, pages 53-54Created: 2011-07-12, modified: 2024-06-05
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A review of the species of Hemilepistus s. str. Budde-Lund, 1885 (Isopoda, Porcellionidae)Published in Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology., in 1970, in volume 20, pages 109-130Created: 2021-05-18, modified: 2021-05-18
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Remarks on Mr. N. Rosén's list of the snakes in the Zoological Museums of Lund and MalmöPublished in Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 7, in 1905, in volume 15, pages 283-284Created: 2011-06-01, modified: 2017-03-23