Published in Zoologica New York, in 1956, in volume 41, pages 81-83
Created: 2016-07-27, modified: 2016-07-27
Published in Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, in 1964, in volume 77, pages 113-117
Created: 2011-05-26, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in The Beagle, in 2004, in volume 20, pages 83-86
Created: 2019-08-19, modified: 2019-08-19
Published in Contributions In Science (Los Angeles), in 1987, in volume 385, pages 5-10
Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2023-02-16
Published in Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, in 1981, in volume 94, pages 374-377
Created: 2011-05-06, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, in 1972, in volume 85, pages 445-467
Created: 2011-05-20, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Contributions In Science (Los Angeles), in 1987, in volume 385, pages 1-4
Created: 2016-11-27, modified: 2023-02-16
Published in Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, in 1986, in volume 22, issue 2, pages 253-263
Created: 2013-11-10, modified: 2013-11-10
Published in Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, in 1981, in volume 94, pages 1085-1103
Created: 2011-05-06, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, in 1970, in volume 83, pages 133-144
Created: 2011-05-06, modified: 2011-06-21
A review of the ophidioid fish genus Oligopus with the description of a new species from West Africa
Published in Proceedings of the United States National Museum, in 1964, in volume 116, issue 3494, pages 1-22
Created: 2010-01-14, modified: 2014-11-02
Published in Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, in 1976, in volume 89, pages 81-98
Created: 2011-05-06, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Sida, Contributions To Botany, in 1987, in volume 12, issue 1, pages 10-12
Created: 2015-12-02, modified: 2015-12-02
Published in Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., in 1970, in volume 38, pages 341-345
Created: 2009-12-24, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Madroño, in 1937, in volume 4, issue 2, pages 67
Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-07-07
Published in Breviora, in 1963, in volume 196, pages 1-8
Created: 2009-12-27, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Biol Bull, in 1983, in volume 164, pages 50-61
Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Breviora, in 1958, in volume 98, pages 1-9
Created: 2009-12-27, modified: 2021-04-05
Published in Entomological News, in 1904, in volume 15, pages 293-297
Created: 2010-11-20, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in The Auk, in 1917, in volume 34, pages 1-10
Created: 2013-03-08, modified: 2013-03-08
Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1966, in volume 79, pages 183-204
Created: 2011-07-31, modified: 2011-07-31
Published in Biol Bull, in 1998, in volume 194, pages 7-13
Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Biol Bull, in 2000, in volume 198, pages 1-21
Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Proceedings of The Biological Society of Washington, in 1960, in volume 73, pages 15-19
Created: 2011-07-31, modified: 2011-07-31
Published in Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, in 1968, in volume 75, issue 1, pages 53-76
Created: 2016-06-19, modified: 2016-06-19
Published in Palaeontology, in 1995, in volume 37, issue 4, pages 907-911
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Biol Bull, in 1952, in volume 102, pages 91-99
Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Zoologica, in 1961, in volume 46, issue 16, pages 181-222
Created: 2016-11-07, modified: 2016-11-07
Published in Journal of South African Botany, in 1935, in volume 1, pages 171-175
Created: 2024-05-01, modified: 2024-05-01
Published in Münchner Koleopterologische Zeitschrift, in 1903, in volume 1, pages 117-150
Created: 2023-08-14, modified: 2023-08-14
Published in The Wilson Bulletin, in 1977, in volume 89, issue 1, pages 67-72
Created: 2016-12-04, modified: 2016-12-04
Published in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1971, in volume 78, pages 807-814
Created: 2013-11-10, modified: 2023-02-16
Published in Biol Bull, in 1935, in volume 68, pages 422-439
Created: 2010-01-06, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Biol Bull, in 1986, in volume 171, pages 338-349
Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Biol Bull, in 2002, in volume 203, pages 307-314
Created: 2010-01-07, modified: 2011-06-21
Published in Zoologica, in 1946, in volume 31, issue 9, pages 121-128
Created: 2016-12-20, modified: 2016-12-20
Published in Bulletin of The African Bird Club, in 2015, in volume 22, issue 2, pages 190-195
Created: 2021-03-24, modified: 2021-03-24
Published in Journal of South African Botany, in 1940, in volume 6, pages 79-110
Created: 2024-05-03, modified: 2024-05-03
Published in Münchner Koleopterologische Zeitschrift, in 1908, in volume 3, pages 170-187
Created: 2023-08-14, modified: 2023-08-14
Published in Münchner Koleopterologische Zeitschrift, in 1904, in volume 2, pages 76-93
Created: 2023-08-14, modified: 2023-08-14
Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1996, in volume 93, issue 2, pages 277-279
Created: 2015-10-13, modified: 2015-10-13
Published in Carnivorous plant newsletter, in 1989, in volume 18, issue 1, pages 12-14
Created: 2018-05-11, modified: 2018-05-11
Published in Palaeontology, in 1997, in volume 40, issue 4, pages 965-1010
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Rhodora, in 1993, in volume 95, issue 882, pages 122-128
Created: 2016-07-19, modified: 2016-07-19
Published in Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, in 2019, in volume 141, pages S85-S114
Created: 2020-08-09, modified: 2020-08-09
Published in The Great Basin Naturalist, in 1986, in volume 46, issue 2, pages 305-306
Created: 2017-11-16, modified: 2017-11-16
Published in Palaeontology, in 1987, in volume 30, issue 3, pages 537-542
Created: 2016-04-23, modified: 2016-04-23
Published in Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, in 1904, in volume 113, pages 89-103
Created: 2017-04-24, modified: 2017-04-24
Published in Journal of South African botany, in 1948, in volume 14, pages 91-95
Created: 2024-06-09, modified: 2024-06-09
Published in Revue Suisse De Zoologie, in 1971, in volume 78, pages 815-820
Created: 2013-11-10, modified: 2023-02-16