Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 2009, in volume 106, issue 1, pages 5-10
Created: 2015-09-13, modified: 2015-09-13
Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 2008, in volume 105, issue 1, pages 100-101
Created: 2015-09-13, modified: 2015-09-13
Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 2008, in volume 105, issue 1, pages 90-91
Created: 2015-09-13, modified: 2015-09-13
Published in Jour Bombay Nat Hist Soc, in 1953, in volume 51, issue 2, pages 384-392
Created: 2015-08-31, modified: 2015-08-31
Published in Sendtnera, in 1993, in volume 1, pages 157-240
Created: 2015-02-18, modified: 2015-02-18
Published in Sendtnera, in 2001, in volume 7, pages 203-209
Created: 2015-02-18, modified: 2015-02-18
Published in Novon, in 2002, in volume 12, pages 47-49
Created: 2014-06-14, modified: 2014-06-14
Published in Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München, in 1988, in volume 27, pages 125-133
Created: 2017-11-08, modified: 2017-11-08
Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 1978, in volume 75, issue 2, pages 292-296
Created: 2015-08-25, modified: 2015-08-25
Published in Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München, in 1989, in volume 28, pages 501-511
Created: 2017-11-08, modified: 2017-11-08
Published in Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München, in 1990, in volume 29, pages 509-513
Created: 2017-11-08, modified: 2017-11-08
Published in Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, in 2001, in volume 98, issue 2, pages 303-304
Created: 2015-10-11, modified: 2015-10-11
Published in Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München, in 1990, in volume 29, pages 503-507
Created: 2017-11-08, modified: 2017-11-08
Published in Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München, in 1991, in volume 30, pages 381-384
Created: 2017-11-08, modified: 2017-11-08
Published in Biodiversity Journal, in 2016, in volume 7, issue 2, pages 203-214
Created: 2025-03-03, modified: 2025-03-03
Published in Mycotaxon, in 2009, in volume 110, issue 1, pages 455-458
Created: 2025-02-24, modified: 2025-02-24
Published in Phegea, in 2014, in volume 42, issue 1, pages 14-21
Created: 2016-08-14, modified: 2016-08-14
Published in Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, in 2010, in volume 107, issue 3, pages 260-261
Created: 2019-12-02, modified: 2019-12-02