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Published in Madroño, in 1970, in volume 20, issue 7, pages 373-377
Created: 2016-02-15, modified: 2016-07-07
Notes on California fungi
Published in Mycologia, in 1919, in volume 11, issue 1, pages 10-21
Created: 2017-10-18, modified: 2017-10-18
Parks - a Haven for Frogs?
Published in Victorian Naturalist, in 2010, in volume 127, issue 5, pages 201-204
Created: 2017-10-12, modified: 2017-10-12
Notes on Texas bees
Published in BULL BROOKLYN ENT SOC, in 1930, in volume 25, issue 5, pages 263-267
Created: 2016-05-18, modified: 2016-05-18
Nepticulidae of North America
Published in Transactions of the American Entomological Society, in 1917, in volume 43, issue 762, pages 155-209
Created: 2011-11-18, modified: 2011-11-18
Collecting in National Parks
Published in Journal of The New York Entomological Society, in 1953, in volume 61, issue 4, pages 200
Created: 2016-06-13, modified: 2016-06-13